Chapter 1884

Mo Yeyu said silently: "Why am I a dark force?"

Everyone: "Shut up."

Through the gossip and quarrels of the seniors, the three finally managed to extract the only important information from their words.

They are asked to break through a three-life formation built by string force, and only after breaking through can they inherit the family's unique knowledge.

Duanmuyi was the first to ask: "If it is said that the two of them are the strong men of their respective tribes, there is no problem. But the Duanmu family is not the only one in the Shengling tribe. Don't you know that Jiang Shao is the first genius of the Shengling tribe? Or Duanmu Yue from the Duanmu family?" , is also a rare genius."

"Ah this...cough cough..." Duanmuhai said, "This shows, Xiao Yi, that you are the real strong man who shoulders the heavy responsibility."

Di Chongfeng exposed him mercilessly: "If you didn't happen to come here today, these old guys will find a way to fall asleep in a few days and find other qualified juniors to come over."

It's just that she just came, so it's just her.

Di Kongxuan glanced at these people, and asked indifferently: "Can you ask more, all the seniors are described in all ancient books as strong men who have already fallen, why are they gathered here now? Abyss of the Undead, a What kind of secret is hidden in the place that is kept secret in all records?"


The Sansheng Formation is on the west side of the Abyss of Undead, a space entrance constructed by the force of loose strings. It is not formed naturally, but is constructed by these old people day after day.

"After passing this checkpoint, it will be regarded as officially recognized by the Dao of Heaven. From then on, the string force will not be able to harm you, and it will also have the miraculous effect of exercising the body and tempering the soul."

Di Chongfeng looked at the entrance in front of him, revealing a touch of sadness.

Without further ado, Duanmuyi pulled Dikongxuan and walked in first.

Anyway, if they disagreed, these old men would not let them leave, and now they couldn't think of any other way, so they simply gave it a try.

Mo Yeyu followed closely behind and followed in.

Under the control of the old man, the Sanxian force was docile and well-behaved, and did not hurt them.

What is presented in front of you is a narrow passage similar to the ascension passage, with space turbulence and string force on both sides, leading to the distance like a time tunnel.

After landing smoothly, the three of them stepped on three formation holes.

As soon as it hit the ground, the formation immediately started.

This three-life formation is not difficult to say, but it is not simple to say simple.It works in a simple and crude way, just to kill you.

Three deaths and three lives, through such tempering, the meridians, dantian, body, and spiritual consciousness are all tempered to an unmatched level in the world.

But no one told them how to break into the formation. At first, when the formation activated the killing intent, the three of them avoided at the same time. Who knew that the killing intent was everywhere, and no matter how much they evaded, they couldn't avoid it.

Soon, the spiritual power of the three of them was exhausted. Among the three, Mo Yeyu was in the best physical condition, was not injured, and was the last one to fall down.

He watched Di Kongxuan and Duanmuyi lose their breath one after another and fell to the ground, and then the power of the formation gathered on him, before he had time to curse, he became the third corpse.

The formation subsided.

Duanmuyi felt that the sea of ​​consciousness that he had already entered the sea state was squeezed and squeezed by an invisible hand, and then the state fell from the sea state to the mustard state in an instant.

In the next moment, inside her sea of ​​consciousness, that Yuantai suddenly opened his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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