Chapter 1885

Yuan Tai roared silently, and the sea of ​​consciousness set off a huge wave, pushing the hand away forcefully.

At this moment, Duanmuyi saw the secret hidden in the depths of the abyss of undead.

"Boom—" a loud noise woke her up from a coma.

When she opened her eyes, her meridians appeared unprecedentedly spacious and smooth, and the dantian that was torn apart just now was reshaped in an instant, acquired, congenital, golden elixir, Yuanying, Huashen... Her spiritual power seemed to have walked the road of cultivation all over again. , firmly stopped at her current cultivation level.

Late Transformation God!

Actually broke through?
Duanmu was surprised, and then, a cold shout came from the side: "Why are you in a daze!"

She turned her head and saw that Di Kongxuan was wearing a black gown, swung back the attack of the formation, and then released the Dijiang totem directly, and the vast coercion suppressed the formation in an instant.

Duanmuyi jumped up, glanced out of the corner of his eye, and found that Mo Yeyu was also gradually waking up.

An absurd idea popped up in her mind.

"Take the medicine!" She waved her hand and sent out a elixir to restore spiritual energy. Di Kongxuan refused to persuade him, and the totem roared loudly, and the formation froze.

Mo Yeyu woke up and got the medicine Duanmuyi gave him.

"Thank you!" He didn't doubt anything, and took it directly.

The good times didn't last long, the formation seemed to be gathering strength, and at a certain moment, it actually suppressed Dikongxuan's tribal totem in turn.

Behind Di Kongxuan were Duanmuyi and Mo Yeyu. The formation was furious because of his resistance, and the attacks poured out, all falling on him.

"Get out of the way!" Duanmu intended to rush forward.

However, Di Kongxuan did not take a step back, took all those attacks, and even turned his head to look at Duanmuyi at the last moment of falling down.


Duanmuyi was stunned.

Mo Yeyu was also stunned. A moment later, seeing that Duanmuyi was covered in scars and didn't know how to avoid the attack of the formation, he asked cautiously: "Hey... are you okay? Could it be that you want to die for love?"

"..." Duanmu glanced at him faintly, then suddenly smiled.

Mo Yeyu felt cold all over.

"Yes." After she finished speaking, she even took the initiative to meet the Sansheng formation.

Mo Yeyu watched helplessly as she turned into a corpse again... Wait?again?
After waking up for the third time, Duanmuyi was extremely calm, silently feeling the remodeled meridians and dantian in his body, as well as the soaring soul power after being beaten back to the Mustard Seed Realm again.

She finally understood the meaning of the so-called Sansheng Formation.

At the same time, she also saw clearly the secret plank road in the abyss of the undead that she had glimpsed just now.

In the forest, Duanmuhai squatted at the place where the three disappeared, and was in a stalemate with Sanxianli in front of him.

An old man beside him sneered: "I said, old man Duanmu, when you are old, you still think that a dead tree will be full of spring?"

"You old man, dare to tease my juniors?!" Duanmuhai blew his beard and stared, rolled up his sleeves and was about to go forward.

Seeing that the scene that had been quiet for a long time was about to become chaotic again, Di Chongfeng could only act as the peacemaker: "Hey, it's alright, can't we just wait quietly for them to come out?"

The old man of the Mo family didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and said beside him: "I wonder if they can come out. If you can't see through the mystery of this formation, you will really offend the formation. Who of you can control it?"

The crowd was silent.

If you can't see through it, you have to decide the outcome with the formation...

I don't see it!
The entrance constructed by the scattered string force suddenly fluctuated, and everyone's eyes were fixed on that place, and they stepped forward with one foot first. The corner of the black clothes was Mo Yeyu.

(End of this chapter)

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