Chapter 1888

When Di Kongxuan saw her, his eyes lit up, and a smile finally appeared on his lips.

"Old Emperor, why is your kid so slow?" Another old man joked.

Di Chongfeng said quite proudly: "I originally decided that he was just learning Dijiang Jue, and it would be very good if he could stabilize this exercise at the third level. But he exceeded my expectations and even reached the fifth level." layer."

Everyone fell into an eerie silence.

The difficulty of cultivating the Dijiang Jue is known to all the old people present. In just three months of effort, he was able to comprehend the fifth level. This talent is really terrifying.

"If I said that my confidence in the future chaos was only three points, now it is six points. The younger generation is excellent, and I have no regrets." An old man said with emotion.

"It's time to let these little guys go back. If you don't go back, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch up with the business." Duanmuhai said with a smile.

Duanmu Yi hurriedly asked: "How long have we been in retreat?"

One person said, "It won't be long, it's only been three months."

Three months!
Although this time is indeed not long for retreating, the current situation in Xuanye Continent is on the verge of breaking out, and many things can be changed in three months.

I don't know what's going on at Xuanye Academy. Before they disappeared, the five foreign law enforcement teams should have stabilized the situation. As long as they can successfully reconcile in the academy, there will be no problems in the academy.Di Dudu was still in the academy, Duanmuyi was very worried at this moment.

On the Shengling Clan's side, Young Master Jiang didn't know how far he had gone. The Patriarch Dongfang hadn't shown up yet, so there were still a lot of variables.

Are the Mo tribe's pursuers still there?
"Someone is approaching." Di Chongfeng frowned suddenly, looked at the top of his head, and raised his eyebrows, "Are all the younger generations so courageous?"

Duanmuyi quietly released his soul power, and soon saw those people who were about to move on the cliff covered by thick fog.

She withdrew her soul power and turned to look at the people next to her: "Mo Yeyu, your second brother is up there, why don't you go say hello?"

Mo Yeyu was at a loss for a moment: "What? Second brother?"

"He came to kill us." Duanmu smiled lightly, "Maybe he has no hope for you."

Mo Yeyu: "..."

"Okay, don't worry about them." Di Chongfeng sneered, "Is the reputation of the Abyss of the Undead spread for nothing? With us old men here, even the string-scattering power here has to be obedient. If those people If you are looking for death, it would be good to have a few more young people to accompany this old man."

Hearing this, Mo Yeyu quickly said, "Don't, don't, I'll just lure them away!"

He turned his head to look at the old man of the Mo family, and with his help, he flew into the thick fog and disappeared.

After a while, he turned around and reappeared at the same spot, driving the old man of the Mo family to death.

"Wait a minute..." Mo Yeyu smiled apologetically.

He walked up to Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan, took out two small black jade gourds from his pocket and handed them: "In the future, this will be a keepsake."

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows slightly, smiled immediately, took it, and handed over a jade bottle, in which was a pulsating flame of spiritual fire.

"Encounter a difficulty that cannot be solved, crush it, and escape for your life." After getting along with each other these days, Duanmuyi also believed that this living Bodhisattva of the Mo tribe is really simple and chic, different from those coquettish and sluts of the Mo tribe.

Di Kongxuan searched all over his body and found nothing worth giving away, so he thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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