Chapter 1889

He took out a piece of clothing and handed it to him.

"Torn clothes, change."

The corner of Mo Yeyu's mouth twitched, and everyone laughed wildly.

The clothes on him were really tattered, and he didn't have the demeanor that a direct descendant of the Mo clan should have. Thinking of Mo Lingyu, who was dressed in an extremely coquettish and noble manner every day, Duanmuyi felt that Di Kongxuan was really good at picking gifts hahaha!
Wearing Dikongxuan's clothes, Mo Yeyu disappeared into the thick fog again holding Duanmuyi's gift in return.

Not to mention how he stopped Mo Lingyu and the others, Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan were also sent to the front of the teleportation formation.

"Where are you going? It's too slow to walk, why don't I give you a ride." Duanmuhai said.

In Xuanye Academy, the destination of the two is very clear.

Duanmuhai didn't know how to operate before the teleportation array, and then said it was ok, let them stand on it.

The moment he stood up, Duanmuyi suddenly felt unreliable.

But the formation had already been activated, and it was too late for her to repent, she was about to grab Di Kongxuan's hand, but who knew that the space was distorted, and she missed it!
Seeing the figures of the two disappear, an old man who was watching asked: "Old man Duanmu, isn't this teleportation array still in the process of research and development? Besides, the destination is not right?"

Duanmuhai was at a loss: "Isn't it right? Xuanye Academy."

Everyone: "..."

The coordinates you set are not Xuanye Academy at all, okay?

Before Duanmuyi had time to curse, she stepped on the roof of the house and fell into the house. There was a sound of broken tiles, and she got up from the ground.

"Senior, I knew you were unreliable!" Duanmu pointed at the sky and scolded furiously, now it's all over, and separated from Dikongxuan again.

When Duanmuyi turned around, a knife was placed on her neck.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, she was so angry just now that she forgot to look around to see if it was safe.

The man in front of him had sharp eyes, his clothes were half open, and he was sweating all over his body. His brows were tightly furrowed, as if he was enduring some great pain, but the hand holding the knife was as steady as Mount Tai, and did not move at all.

Duanmuyi was silent for a moment, then said: "I don't have any malicious intentions, I came here by mistake and disturbed the young master, I will match you up here."

The man stared at her intently, not long after, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and the blade tilted, almost cutting Duanmuyi's neck.

Fortunately, the moment he fell, the aura that locked her was gone, Duanmu avoided the blade narrowly, and took two steps back along the way to prevent him from falling on his feet.


Duanmuyi repeatedly confirmed that he was not threatening for the time being, and quickly glanced around. There was no one else here except him, so he was relieved.

"Help me." The man lay on the ground clutching his chest, his voice low and hoarse.

Just as Duanmu Yi was about to refuse straight away, he turned around and left gracefully, his gaze accidentally swept across his knife, and suddenly froze.

It won't be... so... a coincidence, right?
She sighed, turned around and went back, knelt down beside him, raised her hand, first detected the condition of his sea of ​​consciousness with spiritual power, and then combed the meridians of his body with spiritual power.

After a while, she said in amazement: "Your Excellency, you have gone crazy, and your walk is really unique."

Other people's obsessions are basically the result of practiced exercises going astray, spiritual power rampaging in the meridians, and the sea of ​​consciousness is upside down and unable to control the mind.

And this man's obsession is all because he forcibly broke through the level of cultivation techniques, which led to...

(End of this chapter)

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