Chapter 1890

Before the meridian expands, the spiritual power has doubled first. The meridian cannot accommodate so much spiritual power, so the meridian is torn and the dantian is unstable.

Well, he is a ruthless person.

Duanmuyi immediately dragged the man to the bed and put him down, then took off his clothes casually, raised his hands and tapped his upper, middle and lower acupoints, and then dredged them with the spirit of rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation is not an aggressive exercise, but it has powerful regeneration and control powers, and it is indeed the most suitable exercise for Duanmuyi to practice.

Under the guidance of rejuvenation, the man's meridians began to slowly repair and grow. The man remained awake the whole time, watching her strip his clothes clean, and felt extremely absurd.

At this moment, he finally felt the recovery of his meridians, and he couldn't help being surprised.

What kind of exercise is that?It has such a miraculous effect!
Without thinking about it, he immediately pulled the exercises in his body, followed the meridian route slowly, and finally returned it to the dantian.

Emperor Jiang Jue seventh heaven, practice it!

He closed his clothes and solemnly said to the woman in front of him, "Thank you for saving me, Miss."

"Ahem, no need, you are..." Duanmu asked tentatively, "Are you the eldest son of the Dijiang clan?"

Di Mingqian just wanted to introduce himself, but she actually revealed her identity in a single word, so she couldn't help being stunned for a moment: "Miss, do you know me?"

"Ah, no, your knife—" Duanmu pointed to the knife that fell on the ground, on which the family seal of the Dijiang clan and a dry character were engraved.

Di Mingqian put the saber back into its sheath and put it back into the spirit ring. Then he straightened his clothes and got up to salute Duanmuyi solemnly: "Thank you for saving me, I mistook you for a thief just now. Please forgive me for the offense."

Duanmu turned away sideways, not daring to accept his gift.

Are you kidding me, he is Di Kongxuan's eldest brother, that is, his own eldest brother.

"Ahem, actually I am..."

Duanmu Yi was about to reveal her identity, but was interrupted by Di Mingqian: "I don't care what the identity of the girl is, as long as she is not from the Mo tribe, she can be regarded as my peer."

His words surprised Duanmuyi for a moment, and immediately asked: "Mo clan?"

This reaction fell into Di Mingqian's eyes, and he thought she didn't know anything, so he said with a smile: "Girl is so affectionate and sexual, it's better not to tell you about such dirty things."

Duanmu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and hurriedly said: "My lord, please tell me frankly. I only know that all the families have been attacked by unknown forces before. Why, has it been proved that this force comes from the Mo clan?"

The Mo people are so careful, except when chasing her and Di Kongxuan, they revealed their identities, and when they made small moves against other families, they didn't leave any clues.

Therefore, the remaining six major tribes dare not speak out, without evidence, it is difficult to start.

Di Ming sneered, with a look of disdain flashing across his eyes: "Although there is no evidence, everyone knows it now. In addition to the lost keys of the Canghai Clan, you know that the Shensha Clan and Shengling Clan are also lost."

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows, and gradually had an idea in his heart.

The Elder Lan Yin of the Canghai Clan and Bai Wenchu ​​of the Shensha Clan are all people with ulterior motives. From this point of view, it is very likely that they are controlled by the Mo Clan.

As for the Shengling clan... Duanmuyi couldn't figure out who would be the ghost for a while.

The five major families, except the Jiang family, are impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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