Chapter 1891

The other four are all possible.

Duanmuyi made a decision, for the current plan, he must rush back to the Shengling tribe as soon as possible. Now that the Mo tribe has collected the three keys, the right to speak is already in their hands. It's been a few days.

Jiang Shao also promised her a place to enter the inner valley, she can't waste it in vain.

Just as he was thinking about it, Di Mingqian suddenly said: "Girl, the inner valley of Xuanye Valley will open soon, would you like to go with me?"

Duanmu said: "..."

"As far as I know, Xuanye Valley's inner valley has a limited number of places, and non-tribal core disciples are not allowed to enter. The emperor is the young master of the Dijiang clan, so he is naturally safe, but I can't?" Duanmuyi asked with some doubts.

Di Ming blushed strangely.

Duanmu looked at him in horror - friend, you are an imposing man of eight feet, you are tall and big, you really don't have the good fortune to bear the sight of me blushing!

"Girl...very good..." Di Mingqian seemed a little embarrassed to speak, and after a while, he said decisively: "It's no problem to bring one of you in."

Duanmu thought that since he dared to make a guarantee, it would not be impossible to go with him.

At that time, Di Kongxuan will definitely rush over there, and she doesn't have to bother going all over the mainland to find him, which will save trouble.

If Di Ming didn't save face enough, it wouldn't be too late for her to go to Jiang Shao to ask for that quota.

"Okay, then I will trouble you, Young Master Di." Duan Muyi smiled.


Looking at where he was, Di Kongxuan frowned slightly.

The surrounding area was dark, and it was a ring-shaped building. He was at the bottom of the building, and when he looked up, he could still see a small circular sky above. The sky was dim, and it was hard to tell whether it was day or night.

He released his spiritual sense silently, circled around, but was bounced back.

There are restrictions around the building, and only spiritual senses above the mustard level can penetrate, but unfortunately he can't do it yet.

Duanmuhai's teleportation array was really unreliable, before he could hold Duanmuyi's hand, the two of them were teleported to different places.

I hope Duanmuyi will not be too far away from me.

Di Kongxuan walked around the building, but he couldn't find the door, so he boldly walked up.

The surroundings are very quiet, and there are no guards. It seems that no one can expect any accidents inside, so it can be seen that the outside must be heavily guarded.

Di Kongxuan walked around to the top floor, narrowing his eyes slightly.

The family pattern of the Mo clan is engraved on the top floor wall, which contains a faint murderous intent, and a powerful aura envelopes the entire building.

He lowered his breath, integrated himself with his surroundings, and slowly walked towards the only exit.

Suddenly, he paused, and immediately turned into a wisp of smoke, flashed into the side bookcase, and frowned slightly.

Two figures descended from mid-air and landed on the terrace.

While taking off the cloak, Mo Lingyu said viciously: "Hmph, if he hadn't stopped me, the pure essence and blood would have been in my pocket long ago!"

The elder persuaded helplessly: "It may not be a coincidence that the third son appeared there. Our people are still blocked near the abyss of the dead, and we have not seen any traces of Di Kongxuan and Duanmuyi."

"How could he be such a gentle scum out of the dignified Moyue clan?" Mo Lingyu seemed to look down on his third younger brother, turned around and sat down on the chair, his body full of hostility.

"Fortunately, the three keys have fallen into our hands, and we can open the inner valley."

(End of this chapter)

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