kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 189 Lu Sichen, You Bastard!

Chapter 189 Lu Sichen, You Bastard!

Bai Jiujiu's yelling turned all three people's attention away, it's now!

With a violent retraction of his hands and feet, he untied the restraints, kicked the person under his legs away, and kicked the Scorpio man's important parts again, without mercy!
The Scorpio man's life root has been hit hard for the second time, and it is estimated that he will be more worried about the aspect of breeding.

"Hurry up and beat that little boy to death!!"

The other little Luoluo came to his senses and ran up and grabbed Bai Jiujiu's shoulder. Bai Jiujiu wanted to resist, but women were not as strong as men.

The Scorpio man stepped forward to slap Bai Jiujiu again, and then punched Bai Jiujiu in the chest.

"Huh..." This punch doesn't feel right!
The Scorpio man reached out and tore off half of Bai Jiujiu's shirt, revealing his snow-white skin.

Because of the close range, even wearing an invisible muscle suit can still be seen vaguely.

"Female? Interesting."

The devil's claws gradually stretched out towards Bai Jiujiu.

For the first time, a trace of panic flashed in Bai Jiujiu's eyes, his eyes were red, as cute as a little white rabbit.

"Lu...Lu Sichen, uncle... big! Uncle!"

She could clearly see the wretched and disgusting eyes of that man!
Bai Jiujiu shouted with all his strength, which aroused the excitement of the Scorpio man even more.

"Scream, speak louder, I never thought that such a fair-skinned and tender-faced girl is actually a girl, and it looks like she's still virgin. If I'm so upset, don't even think about messing around in this Tao!"

"The two of you hold her down tightly, I'm done, you take the next turn!"

Fear, infinite fear.

"Don't, don't... want to..."

Bai Jiujiu is like fish on a chopping board, uncle...

The Scorpio man stepped forward to kiss Bai Jiujiu, but he was kicked away from the side before his mouth was close to Bai Jiujiu.

"Who ruined my good deed!" The Scorpio man didn't expect that he would be so unlucky today, and he would have troubles one after another.

Bai Jiujiu subconsciously thought of Lu Sichen, and happily said: "Big..."

When he saw the familiar and handsome face like the sun, he swallowed his uncle and said in surprise, "Senior?"

Han Xu felt a little familiar when he heard the call. When he looked for it, he saw Bai Jiujiu being bullied by three gangsters. He immediately stepped forward and beat up a guy who wanted to molest Bai Jiujiu.

"Let go of her!"

Bai Jiujiu was half happy and worried, he was happy that someone came to rescue him finally, but worried that the senior was alone, and the other party had three people, a bit outnumbered!

"Hit me to death!" The Scorpio boy pointed at the other two gangsters angrily.

Seeing those two people walking towards him, Han Xu said to Bai Jiujiu, "Run!"

Bai Jiujiu ran away without any hesitation.

It's not that she's afraid of death, but that it's a burden for her to stay, so it's better to go and rescue the soldiers.

The Scorpio man obviously didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to leave him behind and run away by himself, so he immediately went up to chase him.

Seeing that he was about to be caught, Bai Jiujiu couldn't help shouting while running, "Lu Sichen, you bastard!"

Hit your head against a 'wall of flesh', a familiar hard feeling.

Looking up, a handsome face came into view, is it really Lu Sichen?
Hanging a heart finally let go.

Bai Jiujiu hugged Lu Sichen tightly, didn't say anything, just hugged tightly.

All fear disappeared without a trace when he hugged him.

Lu Sichen's eyes fell on Bai Jiujiu's shoulders, his dark eyes were dark and terrifying.

He took off his coat directly and covered Bai Jiujiu.

"Kill him out."

(End of this chapter)

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