kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 190 What a domineering maniac!

Chapter 190 What a domineering maniac!
A cold, bloodthirsty voice sounded, maddened with a frenzied hellish fury.

The bodyguard behind him immediately stepped forward and beat the Scorpio man violently, the Scorpio man screamed in pain.

Sensing the fear in his arms, Lu Sichen hugged 'him' even tighter.

"Don't be afraid, Jiujiu."

Bai Jiujiu wrapped his hands around his neck and bit his shoulder hard, "I'm being bullied."

It seems to be complaining, and it seems to be acting like a baby.

"I know." Lu Sichen patted Bai Jiujiu's back lightly. This kind of childlike comfort made Bai Jiujiu funny and angry.

"By the way, senior, the senior is still inside!" Bai Jiujiu suddenly thought of something and said to Lu Sichen.


"Han Xu?"

"Well, if it wasn't for him just now, I would have been bullied by this guy."

"Don't worry about him, the assessment is about to start, you have to go quickly."


"I will send someone to take care of him, don't you believe me?"

Faced with Lu Sichen's rhetorical question, Bai Jiujiu dared not say a word, "That's fine."

Two bodyguards threw the dying Scorpio man in front of Lu Sichen.

"Do you dare to move my people?"

The Scorpio man begged for mercy, "I didn't know she belonged to you. For Brother Feng's sake, Young Master Lu spared me this time, and I won't dare to do it again next time!"

Bai Jiujiu was stunned and said, "Didn't you want to rush to the assessment?" Why did you settle the score here?

Lu Sichen's leather shoes stomped on the Scorpio man's hand, "Is this the hand that touched you?"

Bai Jiujiu nodded.


As soon as the cold and cruel voice fell, there was only a click, the sound of a broken bone, and then the scream of the Scorpio man.

"Who else touched you?"

"No...not anymore." Bai Jiujiu shook his head, turning his face away from watching the bloody scene.

Knowing that Bai Jiujiu didn't like this kind of scene, Lu Sichen didn't stay any longer and left without leaving a word.

"Clean up."

Bai Jiujiu only heard the Scorpio man shout, "No, I was wrong, Young Master Lu, I am Brother Feng's right-hand man, you can't...ah!"

There was a miserable cry from behind.

It's just that Bai Jiujiu no longer seems to have any fear after seeing Lu Sichen's vigorous and resolute methods again.

Lu Sichen hugged Bai Jiujiu all the time, and Bai Jiujiu also greedily sucked his breath, which smelled very clean and comfortable.

Lu Sichen's fingers patted Bai Jiujiu's back every now and then, which made Bai Jiujiu laugh uncontrollably.

"How did you know I was here?"

"No matter where you are, I can find you." Such provocative words spoken by a deep and magnetic voice are undoubtedly the most touching melody.

You can get drunk without alcohol.

Naturally, Lu Sichen would not tell Bai Jiujiu, he knew her whereabouts like the palm of his hand.

Fortunately, he arrived in time this time. If something happened to Bai Jiujiu, he didn't know what he would do.

Sensing the tightening of the hands around his waist, Bai Jiujiu knew that Lu Sichen was unhappy.

"I'll take you wherever you go in the future, and don't sneak away behind my back."

Luckily this time, Lu Sichen checked Bai Jiujiu's mobile phone locator and knew that she was in danger, so he rushed over immediately.

Hearing such domineering words, Bai Jiujiu couldn't help being a little speechless, wouldn't she have no right to freedom in life?
What a domineering maniac!

"What if you're not here?"

"Secretary Wu will pick you up instead of me."

Secretary Wu, who was driving in front, immediately expressed his loyalty, and smiled commercially at Bai Jiujiu through the mirror, "You can tell me anything."

(End of this chapter)

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