Chapter 1893

Mo Lingyu mobilized his spiritual power frantically, and Mo Yue sank down, and everyone felt a heavy pressure descending from the sky.

Dikongxuan's spiritual power froze for a moment, but finally returned to normal because of his stronger cultivation.

But at this moment, the rest of the people had already re-formed a circle of siege around him.

In the distance, accompanied by several elders of the clan, a little girl came towards this side. Seeing this situation, she asked curiously, "Who is that person?"

An elder glanced at it, his heart skipped a beat, and immediately notified Mo Chengyu with his spiritual sense, while replying: "I don't know, it looks like it must be an assassin."

The little girl smiled happily: "It's fun! There is an assassin who can break into Second Brother's Dark Moon Tower, come on, follow me to see!"

"Little ancestor, it's dangerous there!" The elder hurriedly stopped her.

The little girl looked up at him, blinking her eyes, the black halo in her eyes was flowing, like stars twinkling: "I want to go, I beg the elder grandpa..."


Di Kongxuan couldn't avoid it, and was punched to the ground by an elder who was also at the Mahayana stage, knocked on the rockery, his internal organs were injured, and he vomited two mouthfuls of blood.

He stood up, his eyes were cold, and he looked coldly at the people who descended from the sky. The purple-gold long sword flashed out in his hand, and he swung two magnificent sword auras.

Under the sword aura, no one dared to meet its sharp edge, and they all avoided it hastily.

However, there was a person who strode out against the crowd, his palms turned into two huge aura palms, and he actually pinched the sword energy in the air.

The sword energy exploded, barely affecting the rear buildings.

"Brother——" Mo Lingyu was overjoyed when he saw the person coming.

Mo Chengyu gave him a cold look, knowing that this younger brother likes to cause trouble, he felt helpless, but he had to stand up for his family.

"Look, it's the elder brother!" Behind the rockery, the little girl exclaimed excitedly, "Who will win between the elder brother and the good-looking brother?"

The elders are about to cry... What a good-looking brother, that guy is the opponent of our Mo tribe, little ancestor, please be careful!
Seeing their expressions, the little girl curled her lips and said, "I'm already good-looking, prettier than everyone I've seen!"

The elders chose to remain silent.

With the tip of his ears, Di Kongxuan had already heard the voice behind him, and suddenly had a plan in his mind.

Mo Chengyu on the opposite side was already approaching him, Di Kongxuan had to concentrate on him, Mo Chengyu was none other than his biggest opponent now.

With Mo Chengyu's action, Mo Lingyu and the others no longer stepped forward to interfere, but only maintained a vague siege to prevent Di Kongxuan from escaping.

Di Kongxuan was wounded first, and a lot of spiritual power was consumed, and he lost to Mo Chengyu with a certain move, and was knocked back several steps in a row, and hit the rockery.

Mo Chengyu seemed to think it was too easy, and was about to go forward, but saw that he had already circled the rockery, and then heard the little girl's scream.

Di Kongxuan swept back the elders who were protecting the little girl, and grabbed the little girl in his arms.

Everyone stepped forward nervously.

"Lan Ge!" Mo Chengyu frowned, and slowly clenched his fists.

Mo Lange yelled aggrievedly: "Brother, save me..."

Mo Lingyu was furious: "Let go of her! Di Kongxuan, it's in vain for you to pretend to be an upright gentleman, yet you kidnap a little girl!"

"A decent gentleman?" Di Kongxuan curved his lips into a smile, although his face was pale, he was still magnificent, surpassing everyone present.

(End of this chapter)

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