Chapter 1894

He said slowly: "I never said I was a gentleman, did you misunderstand?"

The little girl in her arms said weakly: "You look good, brother, can you let go? You're strangling me so hard that I can't breathe."

Di Kongxuan's expression remained unchanged, and he ignored her.

Mo Lange was at a loss, she was always good at bewitching others with her words and eyes, why didn't it work now?
"Get out of the way." Di Kongxuan looked at Mo Chengyu in front of him and said coldly.

Mo Chengyu frowned, and moved away after a while.

Mo Lingyu gritted his teeth: "Brother!"

"Do you want my little sister to die here?" Mo Chengyu turned to look at him with a stern expression.

Mo Lingyu was silent for a moment, then retreated angrily.

Di Kongxuan took Mo Lange and disappeared outside the courtyard walls, and finally left the main city of the Mo tribe, flashing into the nearby jungle.

"Good-looking brother, can you let me go?" Mo Lange continued to try without giving up.

But Di Kongxuan said coldly: "Don't try to seduce me with your clumsy technique, it's useless. When I get to a safe place, I will naturally let you go."

Mo Lange smiled sweetly: "Of course I believe what good-looking brother said, but I have my father's restrictions on me. If you take me with you, they will definitely find you."

Di Kongxuan finally stopped and looked down at her.

The little girl looks pink and jade-carved, very cute, with a lively expression, and her eyes are as bright as stars. Looking at it for a second will make people lose their minds.

Di Kongxuan didn't doubt her words, judging from how much the three brothers of the Mo family valued her, this little girl must be the most favored fourth lady of the Mo family.

He suddenly bent his lips into a smile.

Mo Lange was dumbfounded, his mind was full of...he is so good-looking!

Immediately afterwards, when her eyes went dark, she was beaten unconscious by Di Kongxuan.

Di Kongxuan threw her aside without any guilt, and disappeared into the forest in an instant.

Not long after, Mo Chengyu and the others had already chased him over.

Seeing Mo Lange, the elders immediately surrounded her. After investigating, they found that she just passed out, and her heart finally fell to the ground.

God bless, fortunately, the little ancestor is fine.

Mo Lingyu found a small flower on her body, the flower stem was swaying, facing a certain direction.

The corner of his lips twitched, and he said with a smile: "No matter how cautious Di Kongxuan is, I'm afraid he would never have imagined that he would be plotted against by a little girl."

Everyone chased in that direction.

...Why can't I escape?

After Di Kongxuan was almost surrounded by Mo clan masters for the fourth time, he finally noticed something was wrong.He immediately released You Yuan from the spirit pet space, and You Ape transformed into a spirit beast, roared, and rubbed against him.

"Master, there is a smell." You Yuan pointed at his chest and said, "Like... Rong Mohua."

Rong Mohua?
Di Kongxuan vaguely remembered reading in the ancient books of Baicaoju in Shanhai Lingyu that once the pollen got on his body, he could track it for thousands of miles without leaving it for several years.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, he didn't expect that he was plotted against by a little girl!
"Is there a solution?" He asked while avoiding tracking.

You Yuan murmured: "I can't do it, Miss Duanmu will definitely do it."

Di Kongxuan: "..."

Where is he going to find Duanmuyi now!
"Master, I can also block them for a while, you give me your coat, and we will go in the opposite direction." You Yuan said.

The spiritual pet's cultivation base grows with its master, and Di Kongxuan is already a strong man in the Mahayana stage.

(End of this chapter)

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