Chapter 1895

You Yuan's cultivation base is already in the middle stage of transformation, with the power of ancient monsters, it is no problem to resist the late stage of transformation.

Di Kongxuan didn't hesitate, and unbuttoned his coat to him.

You Yuan turned into a human form, put on his coat, and immediately ran in another direction.

The next day, Di Kongxuan felt his heart twitch, his spiritual consciousness seemed to have been hit hard, and he spit out a mouthful of blood without paying attention.

The spirit pet space was turbulent, and You Yuan's weak voice came: "Master, I have been discovered, and now I need to enter a deep sleep..."

Di Kongxuan wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said in a low voice, "Have a good rest."

He could feel that the pursuers behind him were getting closer.

Just as he was about to try his best to cast the space spell again, a pair of shoes suddenly appeared in front of him. The person who came came quietly and avoided his spiritual sense, as if they had appeared suddenly!
When did Xuan Ye Continent have such characters?

Di Kongxuan was startled, and immediately got up and backed away. The purple-gold long sword was already in his hand, but when he saw the familiar face of the other party, he froze in astonishment.

"Hush——" Yue Rushuang blinked at him slyly, and then raised her hand, the space distorted and the tree shadow folded.

Mo Lingyu personally brought people here, but after searching twice, he couldn't find them, as if he was blind.

Di Kongxuan stood up holding his chest, and looked suspiciously at Yue Rushuang.

"Don't look at me, the dean heard that someone was making a fuss about the Mo tribe, so he asked me to come and see if I can help." Yue Rushuang leaned lazily against the tree, and said curiously, "I heard that you made the Mo tribe's most noble Your little princess was kidnapped?"

Di Kongxuan: "..."

He wanted to know why this guy came!

He suddenly remembered—why did Yue Rushuang, the assistant of his foreign law enforcement team, be sent here!

The academy knew that he was very likely to go to Duanmuyi immediately, so he could only send the strongest combat force to take over.

--Is that so?

Then the identity of the person in front of me...

Di Kongxuan looked at him, and said softly, "Are you the second in that mysterious Spirit Hall?"

The corners of Yue Rushuang's lips fluttered, and she said with a lazy smile: "What is the second place in the Spirit Hall?"

No wonder he was only seen making moves at the freshmen meeting, but he was not seen; no wonder Di Dudu was not in any danger when he was with him...

Suddenly, Di Kongxuan's eyes darkened, and suddenly he punched Yue Rushuang's delicate and noble face, and his cheeks became red and swollen.

Yue Rushuang was completely unprepared, and was stunned by him. After a while, she called out: "Di Kongxuan! Is this how you treat your savior!"

"Savior?" Di Kongxuan grabbed his collar with a sneer, "On the day of the Dabi assessment, the person who took Duanmuyi from the Pagoda and took two drops of her blood, isn't it you! "

Yue Rushuang was speechless, staring at him blankly.

Immediately, he chuckled lightly, the dull and lazy look in his eyes receded, leaving a trace of indifference, and calmly said: "It's me."

"Bastard!" Di Kongxuan raised his fist, trembling slightly, but he didn't drop it after all.

Yue Rushuang originally thought of letting him punch him twice to vent his anger, but at his level of cultivation, a small injury can be healed almost in the blink of an eye, so it's nothing to worry about.

However, Di Kongxuan actually held back, which actually made him look at him with admiration.

"I thought you would lose your mind when you encountered something related to Duanmuyi." Yue Rushuang said mockingly.

Di Kongxuan let go of his collar.

(End of this chapter)

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