Chapter 1896

Calm down your anger.

Although Yue Rushuang took Duanmuyi's blood essence, she also saved her under the circumstances.What's more, he treated Di Dudu more protectively.

If not, Di Kongxuan would risk his life here today, and Yue Rushuang would have to pay it back.

"Where's the blood essence?" Di Kongxuan asked coldly.

Yue Rushuang looked lazy again: "I ate it... If you want to take it back, I'm afraid you can only drain the blood from my body."

Dikong Xuan's eyes turned cold, obviously he didn't believe his words.

"Let's go, the inner valley of Xuanye Valley will be opened on the second day of next month. The Mo tribe has already issued a notice, and the academy will not intervene, but the headmaster asked us to rush back to the family to preside over this matter as soon as possible." Yue Rushuang took him and easily avoided it. The investigation of the Mo people.

Di Kongxuan secretly speculated in his heart, what kind of cultivation is this second in the Spirit Hall?
"Is there any news about Duanmuyi from the dean?" Di Kongxuan asked.

Yue Rushuang laughed: "As the dean, do you really know everything?"

"Since the academy didn't participate in the opening of the inner valley of Xuanye Valley, wouldn't the academy be empty now that the elites of the academy are pouring out?" Di Kongxuan stopped in his tracks and said, "I want to go back."

Yue Rushuang frowned: "What are you going back for?"

"Dudu is still in the academy, I have to bring him with me." Di Kongxuan said.

Yue Rushuang immediately said: "Then I will go with you."

But Di Kongxuan smiled: "No need, he is my son, so don't bother Mr. Yue to intervene."

The two looked at each other for a moment, Yue Rushuang curled her lips: "It's as if someone cares about robbing your son."

Although one of them was going to Xuanye College and the other was going back to Qingyue Clan, they still traveled together for a certain distance, so they simply left the Mo Clan's territory together.

Not long after entering the range of the Shengling Clan, they happened to meet Chen Yuan and Lan Yao who were passing through this place and were going to Xuanye Valley.

Lan Yao was overjoyed to see Di Kongxuan, and thanked him earnestly.

After the great changes of the Canghai Clan, under the guidance of Lan Zhou, the current Lan Yao has developed more and more sharply, and is no longer the meek Xiaobai before.

Di Kongxuan was also happy to see him, and while there was no one around, he handed the ring of the Canghai Clan into his hands.

"This is..." Lan Yao was stunned for a moment, her eyes turned red suddenly, "The person who made a big fuss about the Mo tribe, is it you?"

"Put away the things that belong to you." Di Kong Xuan said calmly, "If you lose them again, I won't care about them."

Lan Yao thought of her forgetful character before, she chuckled, and then solemnly put the ring on her finger.

"I won't lose it even if I die."

In the western frontier town of the Dijiang tribe, the wilderness villages and towns that no one cares about before are now the only way to Xuanye Valley, and many casual cultivators have gathered here.

The main figures of the six major tribes have not yet arrived, but these casual cultivators who are not qualified to enter Xuanye Valley have already heard the news.

Even if they can't get in, they still want to try their luck.

A certain tavern was overcrowded, and Duanmu picked out the red peppers in the dish, with a distressed expression on his face: "Why is the food here so heavy?"

Seeing that she didn't like it, Di Minggan took out some snacks from his spirit ring: "Why don't you eat some of these?"

Practitioners have reached their level, and they will not be hungry at all if they don't eat for ten days and a half months, but Duanmuyi is used to three meals a day.

(End of this chapter)

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