Chapter 1897

Can't quit the appetite.

She glanced at Dim Sum, shook her head, and put down her chopsticks.

Forget it, the right to lose weight.

Since her mind wasn't on the food, she focused on the guests in the tavern. There were a lot of people here, but she could easily distinguish the news she wanted to hear.

"Will the Sheng Ling Clan send someone here this time?"

"I will, such a big opportunity, a fool will not come."

"Oh, I don't think they have the face to come here. The patriarch of the dignified tribe took the lead in apostasy. It's so embarrassing and embarrassing."

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he had heard something important.

Tribal patriarch, are you talking about the East?
"Hey, if you want me to tell you, the Mo people have lost face this time."

"Have you heard that a mysterious person broke into the interior of the Mo tribe, came and went freely, and almost blew up the Dark Moon Tower."

"This person is really a role model for our generation, and he should be worshipped!"

Everyone laughed, and said that the version they had heard was that the god-man who broke through the Mo clan arranged three heads and six arms, which was comparable to the power of the monster clan.

Duanmuyi looked in that direction thoughtfully...

The Mo tribe is as strong as gold, she doesn't believe that anyone can break in without anyone noticing, and then come out unscathed.

Unless - it is a teleportation array?

Her teeth were clenched, it was enough to teleport her to the Dijiang Clan inexplicably, but she even sent Di Kongxuan to the Mo Clan?
That old man Duanmuhai is really playing with them!
In the blink of an eye, the topic of these casual cultivators quickly changed to this time the opening of Xuan Ye Valley.

"The best resources in this world are all taken up by the seven major tribes."

"It's been so many years since there was a strong person in the extraordinary stage. The real big shots of those tribes have not appeared in the world for hundreds of years. It is said that they are all trying to understand the secrets and try to break through the last barrier."

"This time Xuan Ye Valley is probably the last chance..."

"You mean, the scroll from Shensha Auction House?"

"Shh - be careful what you say."

"People from the seven major tribes have not come yet, so what are you afraid of? The scroll said that the purest blood can resurrect that person, and that person's spiritual consciousness is hidden in the Spirit Hall, but that person's bones are In Xuan Ye Valley."

As the words fell, the entire tavern fell into a strange silence, and everyone's eyes glowed with blood, and their hearts were all burning.

Extraordinary stage, this is a level that only exists in legends, and no one has ever reached it except for the fallen strong man thousands of years ago.

Duanmuyi finally understood the status of Xuanye Valley in everyone's heart.

Not only the place where the patriarch and the strong fell, but also the place where the bones of the extraordinary power were buried.

Di Mingqian's thoughts were also on those people. Hearing this, he couldn't help but whispered: "I don't even look at what cultivation level I have, and I dare to come here to seek death."

"My lord, what do you mean by saying that, do you look down on everyone here?" The people on the side heard it clearly, and they couldn't help but shoot up.

Everyone looked over.

Di Mingqian frowned slightly, then snorted coldly, his whole body breath was released, and his cultivation at the Mahayana stage crushed everyone present in an instant.

Everyone: "..."

The person who slammed the table was extremely embarrassed, and left the tavern in despair.

Duanmu rested his chin, digesting the news he just heard in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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