Chapter 1901

Looking up, he saw the man standing in front of him.

The boy he was holding.

Di Dudu rushed over with red eyes, hanging on Duanmuyi's neck: "Mother..."

Duanmu felt guilty, she left him alone in the academy for too long this time, if there was no unexpected harvest from the Abyss of Undead, she and Di Kongxuan might never come back.

"Dudu, I'm sorry, mother will definitely accompany you more in the future."

Who knows that Di Dudu nestled in her arms and shook his head: "Daddy told me that you are preparing to do a very important thing. Only when this thing is done well can our family of three live happily ever after." So, mother, don't worry about me, I will definitely work hard to practice and try to help you and dad as soon as possible."

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Dikongxuan.

The man was dressed in black, with his back facing the sun, with a calm expression and a smile in the corner of his eyes, looking at her with unique tenderness.

He hasn't recovered his memory yet, but he already regards her and Didudu as relatives.

"Godson!" In the distance, Yue Rushuang was walking towards her.

Di Dudu raised his head and was also very happy to see him. He carefully glanced at Di Kongxuan and saw him nodding his head in agreement. Then he ran over joyfully, was picked up by Yue Rushuang, and the two rolled into the haystack.

Duanmu said: "..."

Di Kongxuan sat down next to her, and the two of them were put together by that unreasonable dude in Duanmuhai, and then they separated suddenly. Although it wasn't long, they were still thinking like crazy.

Duanmuyi got into his arms without saying a word.

Di Kongxuan laughed, and put his arms around her: "Why are you like Dudu?"

"You don't like it?" Duan Muyi looked up at him.

"How could it be?" Di Kongxuan lowered his head and kissed the corner of her eyes, "I like it very much."

Duanmuyi held his hand, intertwined his fingers, watched in silence for a while, and then told him about Mo Zhanfeng.

"Since it is a great favor, I will not thank you lightly, and I will repay you in the future." Di Kongxuan said seriously.

Mo Zhanfeng crazily complained: Why haven't I seen him look like such an upright gentleman before!

Duanmu laughed wildly in his heart, and told him that Di Kongxuan had lost his memory and was trying to retrieve his memory.

"Since that's the case, I have something to tell you." Di Kongxuan paused, carefully set up a restraint, and then explained everything about Yue Rushuang.

Duan Muyi was dumbfounded when he heard that, and it was difficult for him to connect the No. [-] dude in Xuan Ye Continent with the mysterious No. [-] of the Spirit Hall in the legend.

It's good to be ignorant!

What a prodigal son!
What Yue Rushuang hides is too deep!
"He probably doesn't want to expose himself yet, but..." Di Kongxuan narrowed his eyes, "I have a hunch that he won't be able to hide for too long."

Duanmuyi digested the news for a while before recovering.

"So he rescued you from the Mo clan?"

Di Kongxuan nodded slightly, being rescued by someone stronger than himself is not something to be ashamed of, but this love still has to be repaid.

This time, all the top powerhouses from the seven tribes were present.

Except for Mo Yinwen, the patriarch of the Mo tribe, who is still in seclusion, Yu Qiongshan of the Baicao tribe, who cannot leave the Baicao tribe because of his oath, and Dongfang of the Shengling tribe, who is imprisoned, the other tribe leaders and elders are all in order.

Lan Yao accompanied Lan Zhou to come over to say hello to them. Lan Zhou is the head of the tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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