Chapter 1902

Although power has been delegated in the past few months, the prestige is still there, giving Duanmu enough face.

And Chen Yuan and Yu Tingsong also came over one after another, for a while, Duan Muyi and Di Kongxuan were baptized by everyone's eyes.

The people who came out of Xuanye Academy, even though they returned to their respective families, still gathered together in groups of twos and threes, and the groupness was also very strong.

Young Master Jiang glanced this way, his eyes tingling slightly.

Hua Guiyu followed her gaze and sighed: "There are so many excellent men in the whole continent, why do you have to fall in love with him?"

"No matter how good they are, they are not Di Kongxuan." Jiang Shao gritted his teeth.

"I really don't understand you guys. When you cooperated with Duanmuyi before, you were talking and laughing. No one else could see the discord between you." Is there something?"

Jiang Shao sneered and said: "I am destined to be friends with her. It was just a relationship of interests before. She is no less prepared than me in her heart."

After everyone chatted for a while, a powerful aura suddenly rose from Xuanye Valley.

Duan Muyi looked up, and saw ripples in the barrier at the entrance of Xuanye Valley, and a figure came out from it, the gorgeous robe was spotless, the dark blue hair crown tied the hair meticulously, but the face was Extraordinarily simple and gentle, with soft features and sharp eyebrows.

The man couldn't tell his age, but his cultivation was already unfathomable.

At least in the middle and late stages of the Mahayana period.

Duanmuyi has already guessed who he is.

The rumored guardian of the Xuanye Valley, the current patriarch of the oldest faction, the Dijiang Clan, and Di Kongxuan's nominal uncle, Ditian.

Sure enough, the members of the Dijiang clan bowed their heads in salute, and the two brothers Di Mingqian and Di Mingkun had already gone up to meet them.

Except for the Mo tribe, the other five major tribes greeted them with dignity.

With Mo Yinwen not here, apart from Yue Rushuang, there is probably no one who can contend with Ditian here.And Yue Rushuang was still playing the game of "pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger", so everyone chose to avoid her edge.

Di Tian's gaze wandered around the arena and settled on Di Kongxuan.

Di Kongxuan looked at him silently with a calm expression.

"Ah Xuan." Di Tian suddenly called out gently.

Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes, took Duanmuyi's hand and walked forward: "Uncle."

His attitude was completely different from the way he had just met his relatives, but Di Tian never expected that in the source of the dead, Di Chongfeng had already said many bad things about him.

Even without Di Chongfeng, Di Kongxuan had no affection for this uncle.

But Ditian didn't seem to care about his attitude, and turned to look at Duanmuyi: "This is—"

Di Kongxuan said calmly: "My wife."

Then, he greeted Di Dudu, who was watching the fun, and held him with the other hand, and said, "My son."

Everyone was shocked by Di Kongxuan's "my wife" and "my son", and they didn't know what to say. After all, there were only a few people who knew about it, especially since Di Dudu had always appeared as Yue Rushuang's adopted son. How did he suddenly become Di Kong? Xuan's son?
Everyone's eyes turned back and forth between Dikongxuan, Duanmuyi and Yue Rushuang, the soul of gossip was burning.

Ditian didn't know what to say, after a while, he was the most sophisticated and tactful, he smiled, rubbed Didudu's head, and said to Dikongxuan.

(End of this chapter)

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