Chapter 1909

"There is no need to guard here. The young patriarch intends to wipe out the six major tribes in one fell swoop."

Mo Lingyu could really say such unnatural words, those people looked at each other suspiciously, and the other said: "I don't seem to have seen you before."

Mo Zhanfeng smiled coldly, raised his head and revealed his face: "I am a pharmacist under Elder Mo Qi's sect, you are worthy to see me?"

Upon hearing the name of Elder Mo Qi, and seeing that his chest was indeed the exclusive silver pattern of the Alchemy Pavilion, the guards immediately changed their expressions and hurriedly lowered their heads to beg for mercy.

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to touch you. Go and protect the young patriarch. If you can get out alive, I will spare your life." Mo Zhanfeng looked dismissive.

The guards left the place in a hurry.

Only then did Duanmu Yi come out, and asked suspiciously: "What is the identity of Elder Mo Qi?"

"The number one pharmacist of the Mo clan, the master of Mo Yinwen, the head of the Mo clan." Di Kongxuan said.

This identity is indeed a golden signboard.

"The number one pharmacist?" Di Dudu asked with interest, "Who is better than Uncle Yu?"

Duanmu smiled: "Then you should ask, who is more powerful than Uncle Yu's father."

Yu Tingsong is still only a spiritual grade pharmacist, but Yu Qiongshan is already a holy grade pharmacist, and is also the head of the medicine refining department, and a master in the medicine refining world.

Mo Zhanfeng snorted: "What is Yu Qiongshan, even if he is powerful, he can't make a holy medicine like me."

"You were refined by Elder Mo Qi?" Duan Muyi finally understood.

Mo Zhanfeng obviously didn't want to say more, pointed to the door in front of him, and said: "This is it, but this door is extremely weird, no matter what kind of attack it can swallow, it can't be shaken at all."

As he said that, he took a picture towards the door. With his current cultivation level, it was comparable to the late stage of transforming gods. One palm was enough to cut mountains and seas, but the door did not tremble at all.

Dikongxuan also went to try it, and the Dijiang Jue was pushed to the extreme, and even sacrificed the spiritual fire together, but it also returned in vain.

"I'm afraid we can only try the power of the soul..." Duanmuyi stepped forward.

She kneaded the formula with both hands, a white light flashed between her brows, the primordial fetus slowly floated up from her sea of ​​consciousness, and a phantom of a long red dress appeared in front of her.

"Go." Duan Muyi raised his hand to press the door of the tomb.

The moment Yuan Tai touched Shimen, the Shimen seemed to open its mouth and swallowed Yuan Tai in one gulp!
Duanmu's complexion changed drastically, and after getting nervous, she found that the connection between her and Yuan Tai has not been broken!

Fortunately, if the primordial womb is destroyed this time, her cultivation of spiritual consciousness will probably stagnate forever, and it will be a thousand times more difficult to cultivate a primal womb again.

Di Kongxuan supported her at the moment when the embryo was swallowed, and asked worriedly: "How is it? Is the spiritual consciousness damaged?"

Duanmuyi turned to look at him blankly, blinked and asked, "Who are you?"

Di Kongxuan: "..."

Mo Zhanfeng and Di Dudu: "..."

"You, you don't know me?" Di Kongxuan was a little unbelievable, but he couldn't help but think of those people whose spiritual consciousness has been severely injured. Amnesia is inevitable, just like his spiritual consciousness was damaged in the passage of ascension, and he has not recovered so far. memory.

Does she now also—

Duanmu thought that the three of them were all in the same daze, so he couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, I'm just teasing you, just to ease the atmosphere."

(End of this chapter)

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