Chapter 1910

Di Kongxuan's face darkened, and he really wanted to yell at her, can this be a joke?
But seeing her smiling and gentle eyes, his words slipped around his lips, and then swallowed back: "Don't do this next time."

Duanmuyi didn't care about others, tiptoed and kissed him lightly on the lips, comforting him: "Got it, good boy."

Di Kongxuan: "..."

Although she is very happy, what is going on with her tone of coaxing children!

Di Dudu folded his arms and muttered: "It's not suitable for children, parents don't shy away from it."

Yuan Tai passed through the stone gate and entered the tomb, and soon saw a mechanism by the wall.Under the control of Duan Muyi, Yuan Tai pressed the switch, and the stone gate, which made everyone helpless, opened just like that.

The material of the stone gate is also very special, Duan Muyi glanced at it, and thought it looked like the legendary meteorite.

However, her eyes were quickly attracted by a coffin in the middle of the tomb.

After taking the embryo back into her body, she asked, "Whose tomb is this?"

"It's him." Mo Zhanfeng said slowly, "This is the main tomb of Neigu. Who do you think is worthy to enter this main tomb and be protected by the first patriarch of the seven tribes for generations?"

A person appeared in the hearts of several people.

The legendary, extraordinary powerhouse.

This is the opportunity that the Mo people are looking for hard. From here, they may be able to find the key information of the breakthrough.

"Ji Fan." Di Kongxuan saw these two words on the side of the coffin.

There is no inscription, no description, only these two words, simple but not simple.

The mechanism for opening the door of the tomb was set inside the door. It can be seen that he personally set it up before his death. Only those who made the original embryo can open it and enter. What is his intention?
Duanmuyi couldn't help but took two steps forward, his spiritual consciousness circled around the coffin and probed inside.

This is almost her subconscious reaction. When encountering things invisible to the naked eye, she habitually relies on her superhuman soul power to spy on them.

She was startled when she saw it. It turned out to be a headless skeleton, with bloody flowers the size of fingernails growing out of the cracks between the bones, which looked extremely strange.

Just when she was restless, a gust of wind suddenly came from the corridor outside the tomb, the black halo spread silently, and the entire corridor became pitch black.

Mo Zhanfeng's heart skipped a beat, and almost instantly, he flew out and hit the hard wall of the tomb, with a sword firmly stuck in his shoulder.

The accident happened suddenly, Duanmuyi didn't have time to think, and immediately pulled Didudu to his side, and slapped the person with his backhand.

"Mo Yeyu!" Di Kongxuan shouted sharply, "How dare you hurt her?!"

Flying dragon swordsmanship turned a corner in the air, and the sword energy passed by Duanmuyi's ear, cutting a small wound on her face.

Duanmuyi's rejuvenation technique worked, and soon the wound disappeared.

She looked at Mo Yeyu who was standing in front of her, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Not far away, Mo Lingyu grabbed Mo Zhanfeng and almost beat him to death. Although Mo Zhanfeng had a high level of cultivation, his skills were insufficient, and he was in a mess even if he tried to parry.

Di Kongxuan wanted to rescue him, but was blocked by Mo Chengyu. The tomb room was narrow, and neither of them dared to use their moves, so they went back and forth with each other.

Duanmuyi protected Didudu behind him, and said coldly: "Let us out quickly, everything here belongs to you, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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