Chapter 1912

Without saying a word, he turned into the coffin, and directly put all the bones into his spirit ring.

Mo Lingyu looked back, immediately threw off Mo Zhanfeng, rushed forward and grabbed Duanmuyi's neck: "Hand over the spirit ring!"

Duanmuyi was restrained by him, but still had a bright smile.

"You want?" She raised her hand, the spirit fire was beating in her palm, "If you dare to do it, I will immediately destroy the spirit ring."

Mo Lingyu's forehead was throbbing with blue veins, he just didn't bother to take a look into the coffin, wondering if what he wanted was inside, and now the spirit ring is his only hope.

He let go of his hand angrily, and said coldly: "Duanmuyi, you will regret it."

She took away his most cherished thing, so don't blame him for being cruel.

Mo Lingyu suddenly slapped Duanmuyi into the coffin, then kicked Mo Zhanfeng into a corner, and raised his hand to grab Di Dudu who was about to run away.

Duanmuyi stood up from the coffin, and saw the back of him rushing out of the tomb holding Di Dudu.

"If you want your son, take the lives of the three of you in exchange!"

Mo Yeyu blinked, and after a moment of silence, raised his sword and followed out. Mo Chengyu stopped Di Kongxuan after he broke.

Di Kongxuan was worried about Duanmuyi in the tomb, he had no intention of fighting, and after a feint, he retreated into the tomb.

"Ayi." Di Kongxuan carried Duanmuyi out of the coffin, wiped off the blood from the corner of her mouth, and asked worriedly, "Are you alright?"

After Duanmuyi was silent in his arms for a moment, she suddenly buried her head in his arms.

After a while, Di Kongxuan felt the heat and humidity in his arms.

He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and patted her lightly, comforting and swearing: "I will definitely rescue Dudu."

After Duanmuyi's mood stabilized, Mo Zhanfeng said, "You probably don't have what Mo Lingyu wants."

Duanmuyi released the headless skeleton in the spirit ring and spread it on the ground.

Mo Zhanfeng glanced at it and sighed: "Sure enough, there is no most important skull."

"The skull is the secret to cultivate to the extraordinary stage?" Duanmu asked.

Mo Zhanfeng nodded: "The skull contains the spiritual knowledge of the strong, and now the spiritual knowledge is sealed in the spiritual hall of Xuanye College. Only by finding the skull and drawing out the spiritual knowledge can we extract the secrets of the exercises in the spiritual knowledge. "

"The spiritual consciousness in the Spirit Hall belongs to this senior Ji Fan?!" Duanmuyi was taken aback.

"It seems that none of you know." Mo Zhanfeng said, "I also heard from Elder Mo Qi when I was still a pill."

Di Kongxuan squinted his eyes and said, "Skull and spiritual consciousness are indispensable."

"To be more precise, it should be that the skull is the basis for obtaining spiritual knowledge." Mo Zhanfeng added.

Dikongxuan supported Duanmuyi to stand up, put his hand on her back, and injected spiritual power into her body.The medicinal effect of the ghost grass pollen has not passed, Duanmuyi has no strength at the moment.

The three of them retreated towards the way they came from. They didn't see the crowd fighting in the melee along the way, so they all retreated presumably.

The exit was just ahead, but Duanmuyi suddenly sensed a violent turmoil in his spiritual consciousness. Yuantai in the depths of his consciousness opened his eyes suddenly, and a feeling of heart palpitations came instantly.

She couldn't help but turn her head and look into the depths of the inner valley.

"What's wrong?" Di Kongxuan asked.

Duanmuyi hesitated and shook his head: "It's a strange feeling..."

(End of this chapter)

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