Chapter 1913

"I can't tell, forget it, let's go first."

Walking along the exit, bright sunlight finally fell on the face.

Counting the time, it should be the morning of the second day.

Although Duanmuyi was worried about Emperor Dudu, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at this moment. The oppressive tomb and corridor made her almost out of breath.

"Be careful, the situation is wrong." Di Kongxuan said in a deep voice.

Duanmuyi looked around, and saw that the people of the seven major tribes stood together, looking towards them, most of the people from the Mo tribe had left, only the three brothers and a few guardian elders remained, standing beside the crowd superior.

Seeing them coming out, after everyone was silent, Mo Lingyu smiled and said: "Hey, the final winner has come out?"

Di Dudu wasn't here, obviously he was taken away by someone sent by Mo Lingyu.

Duanmuyi's face darkened: "Mo Lingyu, what did you say in a strange way?"

"Could it be that my son wronged you?" Mo Lingyu touched his chin and smiled coldly, "You first provoked the six major tribes to fight against this tribe, and then sneaked into the main tomb by yourself while no one was paying attention, and stole The remains of the power of the extraordinary stage. This remains is still in Miss Duanmu's spirit ring? If you are not guilty, dare to show the spirit ring to everyone?"

Duanmuyi frowned slightly, and glanced at the other six major tribes, except for those who had a good relationship, the rest all looked at her covetously.

She knew that it was useless to explain.

Even if everyone regards the Mo people as public enemies, this does not prevent them from listening to the Mo people's instigation. After all, the legendary skeleton is the only hope to the extraordinary stage.

She refused to explain, Di Kongxuan sighed, had no choice but to hold her hand, and explained for her: "Don't you all know that the only thing that is useful is the skull, but unfortunately, the bones in the tomb are missing that skull .”

Mo Lingyu smiled angrily: "You said it was missing, so it was missing? How could there be such a coincidence?"

Di Kongxuan looked at him indifferently, and said indifferently: "Yes, if I say it's missing, it's missing, do you have an opinion?"

"You!" Mo Lingyu was still waiting for him to quibble, and then provoked him again fiercely, but he didn't know that he played cards completely out of common sense, and even put on such an attitude that you can't help me!

"That's wrong." The person who spoke was a patriarch of the Shensha tribe, smiling amicably, "Third Young Master, there is no basis for what you say. We all believe in you, but since you don't have a skull, you have to let it go." Let's just take a look and rest assured."

Di Kongxuan looked at him and asked, "Who are you?"

The head of the family had always had the kind attitude of an elder, but when he heard this, his face flushed red.

Ditian coughed, "Ah Xuan, you can't talk like that."

Chen Yuan raised his hand to block the Patriarch, gave him a warning look, and then said calmly: "Since I returned without success today, I won't waste my time here. Farewell, everyone."

He nodded towards Dikongxuan and Duanmuyi, and left with the Shensha tribe.

Duanmuyi heaved a sigh of relief, Chen Yuan was standing on her side as a grandiose representative of the Shensha tribe.

She remembered this favor.

With the beginning of Chen Yuan, the Canghai Clan also withdrew from Neigu under the leadership of Lan Zhou and Lan Yao.

Qingyue laughed, and the more people came out, she asked with a smile: "Miss Duanmu, Ruirui is still waiting for the Qingyue Clan, do you want to go back with us?"

(End of this chapter)

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