Chapter 1914

Duanmuyi's heart was slightly warm, but he shook his head with a smile: "I dare not bother patriarch Qingyue, please do what you want."

Qingyue curved her lips into a smile, turned her head and said to Yue Rushuang: "I'm going back, how about you?"

Yue Rushuang yawned and said, "Let's watch a good show later."

Qingyue didn't say anything, leaving him alone, and then withdrew with the rest of the people.

Seeing that three of the six major tribes left, Mo Lingyu's eyes became even colder.

It's just that today's efforts to sow dissension, even though the six major tribes seem to be friendly on the surface, they will definitely make trouble for Duanmuyi and the others secretly.

In this way, it will be much easier for him to succeed.

Mo Lingyu snorted and said, "Since all the patriarchs are so virtuous, I won't be here to make fun of myself. Duanmuyi, I'll be waiting for you in the Mo tribe."

"If you dare to hurt Dudu, I will pay you back a hundredfold!" Duanmuyi gritted his teeth.

Mo Lingyu laughed, and left with the people.

No one saw that after the Mo tribe left, Yue Rushuang also disappeared in place.

Duanmu wanted to chase after him, but was stopped by Jiang Shao.

Jiang Shao said calmly: "You alone can't protect the skeleton. Why don't you leave it to me, the Shengling clan will not treat you badly."

"Get out." Duanmuyi raised his hand and waved a palm, and Jiang Shao subconsciously fought back, but he didn't expect that the poison of ghost grass pollen on Duanmuyi's body had not been removed, and now he had no spiritual power, and he vomited blood and fell into a coma after being slapped by Jiang Shao.

Jiang Shao was stunned for a moment, before he could say anything, he was punched in the chest by Di Kongxuan, and he also vomited blood.

"Young Master Jiang!" Hua Guiyu quickly stepped forward to support him, and said angrily, "Di Kongxuan, don't you know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade!"

Di Kongxuan didn't give them a glance, he held Duanmuyi in his arms, turned his head and said, "Come and save her!"

Mo Zhanfeng, who had been silent all this time, stepped forward, raised his hand and cut his finger, dripping his own blood into Duanmuyi's mouth.

He is the holy medicine, and his blood is the most precious medicine in the world.

Duanmuyi's complexion has indeed improved, but he has not yet come to his senses.

Yu Tingsong originally wanted to deliver the medicine, but when he saw this situation, his gaze sank slightly, and he glanced at Mo Zhanfeng, as if he had thought of something.

"Let's go." Qiongniang patted his shoulder, turned her head and left.

Yu Tingsong was silent for a moment, then caught up with Qiongniang.

Young Master Jiang was injured, so he was bored and didn't dare to provoke Di Kongxuan again, not to mention that there was a Dijiang clan next to her. left here.

Ditian saw that everyone had left completely, so he stepped forward and said: "Miss Duanmu is seriously injured, I don't think you two are much better, go back to the family with your two elder brothers to recuperate, at least rest for a while sky."

Dikongxuan stood up holding Duanmuyi in his arms, walked around him silently, and walked out of the valley.

"Stop." Di Tian frowned, "I'm talking to you."

Di Kongxuan turned to look at him: "What did you say?"

Di Tian sighed: "It's not safe outside, I'll let you go back to your family to recuperate."

Di Kongxuan smiled slightly, his eyes sarcastic: "No, I don't trust you."

Ditian didn't seem to have expected that Dikongxuan would say "I don't trust you" so directly, and he was a little bit embarrassed for a while.

"Third brother, how do you talk?" Di Mingqian stepped forward and said, "It's even more unsafe outside now. We are your family. If you don't trust us, who else can you trust?"

(End of this chapter)

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