Chapter 1922

The phantom trembled like water waves for a moment, quickly shrank and shrunk, and finally turned into a touch of dark green light, which penetrated into her palm and disappeared.

And at her dantian, the two clusters of nebula, like the picture of Tai Chi, have disappeared, and the two golden pills have also disappeared. In their place, there is an endless swirling nebula, with the tree in the center. Bodhi tree.

"Di Kongxuan..." she murmured, "My two bloodlines seem to have merged."

Di Kongxuan hugged her into his arms and heaved a sigh of relief: "Good thing."

What he said is not wrong, the fusion of the two bloodlines is naturally a good thing.

The biggest advantage is that at the beginning of her breakthrough, she has already reached the peak of the early stage of Mahayana. The powerful spiritual power contained in the two bloodlines was tempered and blended by this catastrophe, and finally condensed into an indestructible river.

And in this way, she is no longer limited to the skills of a single bloodline, but can switch skills anytime, anywhere during the battle.

In the previous battle with Mo Lingyu at the freshman meeting, he forced her to withdraw the blood of the spirit race and use the blood of the monster race at the last moment.And in this process, once it is interrupted, it is the Achilles' heel.

Now there will be no such problem.

Duanmuyi clenched his fists and said in a low voice, "It's time to leave here."

Her son is still waiting for her.

Before leaving, Duanmuyi specially prepared gifts to visit Yu Qiongshan.

As the head of the Medicine Refining Department, Yu Qiongshan naturally has everything. Duanmuyi took the two medicine refining secret books he had obtained in the Baicao Residence of Shanhai Lingyu as a gift.

The two secret books on refining medicine should have been left by God Gengfu, who was the first patriarch of the Baicao Clan. When Yu Qiongshan saw the books, he couldn't take his eyes off it.

Duanmuyi raised his question: "Do you know the origin of that bodhi tree?"

Yu Qiongshan refrained from looking away, and said, "Of course, that's my clan's totem."

Duanmu said: "..."

Walking to the door, Yu Tingsong accidentally heard: "..."

Yu Tingsong knocked on the door, and after entering, he gave Duanmu Yi a complicated look, and immediately said, "Father, there are people from the three divisions of the Alchemy Division."

"Let them wait in the guest house, I'll go over later." Yu Qiongshan said.

Yu Tingsong nodded and left, but the shock in his eyes still couldn't dissipate for a long time.

Duanmuyi's head was still in a down state, as if the system update had been stuck, and he was thinking hard.

Seeing her like this, Yu Qiongshan said, "You don't have to be so shocked. The totem of the Baicao clan has nothing to do with the blood of the tribe. Anyone with wood-type spiritual power may have it."

The wood system is the system of life, and it is also the spiritual power school of all alchemists.

For many years, because all the excellent alchemists came from the Baicao clan, and the pure wood-type spiritual power also came from the Baicao clan, so the bodhi tree totem has always been acquiesced to belong to the Baicao clan.

Now, because of the addition of Duanmuyi, who possesses the purest blood, is also a pharmacist of spiritual quality, and possesses the spiritual consciousness of the Heiner state, all this has changed.

Yu Qiongshan didn't ask Duanmuyi to stay in the Baicao Clan because of this, but comforted her that she didn't need to have any psychological burden.

Duanmuyi also understood when he heard this, took a deep look at him, got up immediately, and saluted solemnly: "From now on, the affairs of the Baicao clan will be my affairs."

No matter how he explained that the totem is for those who can.

(End of this chapter)

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