Chapter 1923

However, this totem has always been from the Baicao tribe for thousands of years, and she also broke through in the secret realm of the Baicao tribe. She should pay her own responsibility for this due to emotion and reason.

What's more, she already owed the Baicao clan a lot.

Yu Qiongshan lowered her eyes with an inexplicable look on her face, but in the end she responded, "These are all for the rest of the story, you go and save your son first."

Duanmuyi stood up and said goodbye.

After a while, Yu Tingsong circled back again.

Yu Qiongshan had already solemnly put the two books into a box, and when she saw him coming, she said calmly, "You can keep it a secret."

Yu Tingsong was stunned for a moment: "Father?"

"It's definitely not the first time her totem has appeared. It's reached its pinnacle this time. Haven't you noticed the clues before?" Yu Qiongshan said, "I remember you mentioned that once in Xuanye College Help her break through."

Yu Tingsong immediately remembered that scene.

The spirit grass and vines growing wildly outside the pill room, the wooden cage with intertwined Qiongzhi branches, and the tree shadow that was fleeting, he glanced at it in a hurry at that time, it was too late to see clearly, and he didn't take it to heart afterwards.

"There is such a thing..." Yu Ting responded loosely.

Yu Qiongshan handed him the box, and said calmly: "Put away your petty thoughts, the girl only wants to return your favor."

Under his father's gaze, Yu Tingsong opened his mouth, looking lonely.


Duanmuyi did not expect that when he entered the room, he would see Dikongxuan having a nightmare.

He seemed to be waiting for her to come back. He changed into his pajamas and lay on the bed reading a book. The book fell to the floor. He was clutching the hem of his clothes tightly, with blue veins on the back of his hands and sweat on his forehead.

Duanmuyi was startled, and quickly stepped forward to push him gently.

"Di Kongxuan, Dikongxuan..."

In Di Kongxuan's dream, he was being hunted down by a group of men in black.

At first he sneered, that group of men in black were only at the Golden Core stage, he could crush them to death with a move of his fingers, but he didn't expect to find something was wrong as soon as he raised his hand.

I am also at the golden core stage!
Then he was being hunted down non-stop, from the Jindan stage to the Nascent Soul stage, until he himself became numb.

During this period, he met a man who claimed to be Jiang Yi, and he also knew that he had been poisoned, and he would go to the Dan River of the Jialan tribe to detoxify every few years.

When going down the Dan River for the first time, the mixed and ferocious energy of the Dan River broke into his meridians, rampaging, even though the poison was suppressed, it still caused him half-death pain.

Later, time and time again, he gradually got used to this pain, and even only in this pain can he feel that he is alive.

He seems to have forgotten something.

Until that time, he casually killed more than a dozen men in black on the Dan River, and when he fell into the water, he saw the girl who emerged from the bottom of the water.

Her skin is snow-white, and her underwater figure is vaguely exquisite. Her eyes are vigilant and curious, like a weak cat, ready to stretch out its claws at any time.

Looking at each other, his pupils shrank.

It was also at this moment that a soft call came to his ears.

"Di Kongxuan, Dikongxuan..."

He opened his eyes abruptly.

His forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

Seeing him wake up, Duanmuyi finally breathed a sigh of relief, withdrew the rejuvenation that had been injected into his body, and asked worriedly: "What nightmare did you have?"

Dikongxuan's throat was dry and he looked into her eyes.

His eyes were no longer vigilant and alienated like in his dream.

(End of this chapter)

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