Chapter 1926

Mo Lange held a chopstick of fresh bamboo shoots and handed them to him, shaking them: "Want to eat? Just call me master, and I'll let you eat."

Di Dudu turned his head away and responded.

"Don't you want to eat?" Mo Lange's voice sounded a little disappointed.

She raised her hand, picked some vegetables from the table and put them in her own bowl, then took two steps back and sat down holding the bowl, and immediately raised her chin: "You guys, stuff the rest of the vegetables down for him."

A table full of dishes is too much for ordinary people, let alone a person like Di Dudu who hasn't eaten for more than a month.

Didudu said angrily, "You—"

The maid had already grabbed his hair and poured a dish into his mouth.

Di Dudu vomited it all out.

Mo Lange's eyes were arrogant, and he smiled inexplicably: "If he spits out again, I will kill you all. Hey!"

The maid came up with a way, pinched his mouth open, grabbed the food with her bare hands and stuffed it whole into his throat, making him unable to vomit out.

Di Dudu retched non-stop, but was stuffed with food non-stop, tears soon subconsciously rolled down from the corners of his eyes.

But Mo Lange laughed. He was very happy to watch, and his appetite was whetted, so he also ate the rice in the bowl slowly.

The last bowl of soup was poured into Di Dudu's mouth, and the maids removed the bowls and chopsticks.

Di Dudu lay on the ground and retched, his fingers had already scratched the carpet under him, his fingers were dripping with blood, and he couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Mo Lange hiccupped, and smiled lazily: "I didn't save you from the execution tower to make you look at me fiercely. Be good in the future, and I won't treat you badly. "

Di Dudu didn't want to hear her voice, moved inch by inch, moved to the door, and finally vomited a few mouthfuls of food.

But his stomach was still very uncomfortable. Those hard vegetables were stuffed in his stomach, and he couldn't vomit out even though he wanted to vomit. In the end, only blood remained.

Mo Lange frowned in disgust, and kicked him out the door. Di Dudu turned over and rolled on his puddle of vomit.

"Disgusting, clean this place up!"

She walked away arrogantly, Didudu had no strength in his body, and lay there for a long time before getting up and disposing of the vomit on the ground.

He was covered in dirty things, and he really wanted to find a place to take a bath, but there was no one nearby, and the gate to the yard was locked. Even thinking about it, he knew it was impossible.

After sitting for a while, he felt that the anxiety in his stomach was less, and he stood up.

Above the head is the sky of the Mo tribe, it is gray, and the moonlight is dim outside the enchantment of streamer.

He stood with his head up for a while, then suddenly broke down emotionally, knelt down and wailed.

Several times, he felt that his persistence was coming to an end, and he finally ushered in a turning point.

Those who can survive must be able to.

Di Dudu really didn't have the energy to get up, and was tired from crying, so he curled up in the yard and fell asleep.

It wasn't until the cold water poured in from his ears and nose that he shivered and struggled to wake up.

Mo Lange stood on the shore, frowned and said, "Wash it well for me, it's really smelly and dirty my yard!"

Di Dudu took a few sips of water, choked his trachea, and stood up from the water coughing continuously.

At this moment, he realized that he, unexpectedly, was completely naked.

Standing all around were the little witch's maids, and a dozen or so women just stared at him intently.

(End of this chapter)

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