Chapter 1927

Di Dudu lost his head and fell into the water.

"You, you..."

When he spoke, his voice was hoarse, and his voice was extremely unpleasant.

Vomiting and crying, has hurt his vocal cords.

Mo Lange thought his reaction was very interesting, looked at him with interest, and said with a disgusted smile: "Why is the little trash hiding? Why is his body so poor? Where's his abs?"

Di Dudu: "..."

He doesn't want to talk.

Mo Lange thought about it, and simply said: "You give me abs."

Di Dudu: "???"

Who cares about you!

But the facts later proved that the little witch in front of her wanted to force someone to do something, and she did everything she could.

Di Dudu's spiritual power had been sealed all the time, and Mo Lingyu visited him a few times, seeing that he was tortured more and more embarrassingly each time, so he never came again.

However, Mo Lange took him seriously, and ordered the people in the yard to beat him with a whip if they saw him slacking off.

So in the next half a month, Di Dudu's body visibly became stronger.

Today, Di Dudu squatted in the corner to drink water, really thirsty.

The passing servant saw it, and took out the whip without saying a word, and lashed him on the back, but he didn't pull back, and his skin was ripped apart instantly.

Di Dudu was dumbfounded.

Although the servants had been ordered before, they had never been so unreasonable.

He turned his head and saw that the servant was unfamiliar, so he couldn't help getting up and asking, "Where are you from?"

The servant sneered: "Do you care where I come from? The little princess said that you are not allowed to be lazy, and you are still drinking water here?"

Di Dudu strode forward, pulled out the whip in his hand, and whipped it on his back with his backhand.

"She said that I was not allowed to be lazy, but she didn't say that I was not allowed to drink water!"

The servant didn't expect him to dare to fight back, and said angrily: "It's against you..."

"What are you doing?" A girl's lazy and charming voice came from not far away.

Surrounded by the maids, Mo Lange came over. Today she changed into a black skirt embroidered with gold. It was rare for her to tie up her casual hair, which made her look a little more gentle than barbaric. Wan.

Before Di Dudu could react, a blur appeared before his eyes.

The whip at her waist came through the wind, and slammed on his back with a slam, exactly the same as the previous whip.

...Wen Wan is a ghost, Di Dudu really wants to goug out his eyes.

Mo Lange's whip was filled with spiritual power, he was whipped to the ground, his eyes turned black.

The servant looked smug, looking at Di Dudu like looking at a dog.

Who knew that Mo Lange's spiritual power would have locked him in the next second.

"Throw this garbage out and kill it."

Her voice contains no warmth.

Di Dudu raised his head in surprise, but before he could get angry, he froze in place.

The servant couldn't believe it even more: "Little princess, the slave was sent by the young patriarch..."

"How could the second elder brother have such rubbish that makes me unhappy? Since his mouth is so unclean, first he twisted his tongue, chopped off his ten fingers, and then sliced ​​into meat and threw it out to feed the dogs." Mo Lange said face-to-face Said blankly.

The maids had long been used to her actions, and immediately called for guards to drag the servant out.

It was not until he could no longer hear the man's shrill cry that Mo Lange slowly stepped forward and stood in front of Di Dudu.

Di Dudu had mixed feelings in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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