Chapter 1937

"I also picked up the clothes that I didn't get back."

"I didn't want to escape."

He was talking by himself, and after he finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at Mo Lange with a pair of bright eyes, and said seriously: "Then can you calm down?"

The head of the guard dropped his jaw in shock, thinking that this guy is really the most daring person in the world.

Between these words, I always feel like I am molesting a little princess!

What a weird atmosphere of a tantrum-loving young couple!
If he is so daring to offend, the next step, the little princess should throw a whip at him and beat him half to death, right?
The chief guard made up his mind that if the little princess got too angry later, he still had to persuade her, lest she really beat her to death, and it would be difficult for the young patriarch to explain.

However, before the chief guard had finished his mental preparation, he saw the spoiled and domineering little princess sitting awkwardly at the table, untied the glass cup, and took a sip of the chicken soup wonton that she had never dared to touch before.

The half-dead little trash that he thought would be beaten was sitting next to her, and asked in a low voice, "Is it good?"

The little princess even nodded! ! !
Young life, what's going on!
The head of the guard roared inwardly, but was as quiet as a chicken on the outside. He even took the rest of the guards down and guarded the entrance of the inn so that no one would disturb the two inside.

No one noticed that there was a couple standing across the street, walking out of the city hand in hand.

Duanmuyi said seriously: "My daughter-in-law is too arrogant, it's not easy to manage."

Di Kongxuan: "..."

"Forget it, I think Dudu can completely suppress her, and it's not my turn to worry about it." Duanmu said seriously, "Is it difficult for your Dijiang clan to accept marriage with the Mo clan?"

Di Kongxuan covered her mouth, and said in a low voice: "You don't have to write the horoscope, so don't talk nonsense."

A team of defenders passed by the two of them.

Duanmuyi was silent for a moment, pulled his hand, and said: "I'll see soon, your son's method of flirting with girls is much better than yours."

Back then, when Di Kongxuan treated her hot and cold, he would break her arm, show her face, and break up with other girls...

Alas, people are hard to tear down.

"If you say more, I'll kiss you on the street."

"Okay, give me a kiss."



Duanmu touched his face and felt complete.


Leaving the Mo tribe, the two found the valley marked by the flying monster, and soon took the flying monster to Xuanye College.

The news that Didudu brought yesterday is very important, and they need to discuss it with the major families as soon as possible.

After the Xuanye Valley incident, Xuanye College was quickly elected as the common meeting point of the six major tribes, and established some spiritual channels to pass the news to the six major tribes in the shortest possible time.

When they arrived at Xuanye College, Yue Rushuang, Yu Tingsong, Chen Yuan and others were already here.

Yue Rushuang glanced behind the two of them, her gaze was serious: "Where's Dudu?"

Knowing that he really cared, Duanmuyi explained to him alone.

Yue Rushuang sneered and commented: "The hero is short of breath."


Although it feels a bit strange, it seems to describe it very appropriately.

In the meeting room that we visited before, the dean, three vice deans, and seven elders of Xuanye College had already arrived. Duanmu wanted to briefly explain the whereabouts of the skull, and the dean immediately made a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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