Chapter 1938

Soldiers divided into three ways to find.

"Yue Rushuang all the way, Di Mingkun and Di Kongxuan all the way, Yu Tingsong and Chen Yuan all the way, the rest of the people arrange their own arrangements, we must find the skull before the Mo people!"

But the vice president said: "Let's divide into four ways, Yue Rushuang can't leave, he has to guard the Spirit Hall."

Yue Rushuang's strength was not concealed in the end, everyone already knew that he was the number two of the mysterious Spirit Hall, and he did not hide any more, shouldering the heavy responsibility of guarding the Spirit Hall.

After all, with the skull, the next step, the goal of the Mo people is the spiritual consciousness in the Spirit Hall.

It is not ruled out that they will attack the Spirit Hall in the process of searching for the skull.

After making a plan to set off tomorrow, Duanmuyi went back to Shuyinglou first.

Although only half a year had passed since the holiday, it seemed like a century had passed. She was really relieved when she saw the gate of Shuying Building again.

It's like a safe haven for her.

"Xiaoyi is back!" Lan Tingrui was the first to see her, and she screamed as usual.

Shen Muxu and Bai Tuantuan huffed and surrounded him, their eyes were red.

Duanmuyi smiled helplessly: "Why, it's like parting from life to death."

"Bah, bah, what's life and death? We're reunited after a long absence!" Shen Muxu hugged her tightly, "I couldn't talk to you in Xuanye Valley, and we haven't heard from you since we left. thought you-"

"My life is at stake." Duanmuyi pulled them to sit down in the living room, and looked at Bai Tuantuan.

Bai Tuantuan's eyes were still red, but the pair of rabbit ears were gone.

"After I came back, Elder Hu gave me a new exercise. I practiced according to that exercise, and I can already control the blood of the monster race in my body." Bai Tuantuan said.

Duanmuyi said with a slight smile: "Actually, I never told you that I also have the blood of the Yaozu."

Bai Tuantuan opened his eyes wide.

"My mother is from the Spirit Race, and my father is indeed from the royal family of the Monster Race." Duanmu said with a smile, "It's just that he is probably a tree demon, a plant type, I don't have any inheritance memories, but I do have a very High-purity monster blood."

"Then you—" Bai Tuantuan asked in a low voice, "Then you don't feel..."

"What do you think? Inferiority?" Duanmu said with a smile, "What's the difference between a human and a demon? We are all fellow travelers on the same journey of cultivation, who is more noble than the other?"

For the past six months, Bai Tuantuan has always felt that he can't hold his head up.

Inexplicably, she was injected with the blood of the demon clan by the Bai family, and she became the half-human and not ghost-like person. Sometimes she would cry for a long time when she woke up in the middle of the night.

But seeing Duanmuyi now, she suddenly felt that her fragility was unreasonable.

You are the only one who controls your life.

On the second day, Young Master Jiang, Lan Yao and others also arrived at the academy. All the soldiers were divided into four groups, all the way to stay at the academy, and the three groups went to the Boundless Desert, Xuanjing Lake, and Niuya Cave, which they had heard about, to search for the skull.

Two months later, outside the boundless desert.

A group of people walked into a tavern and ordered a jug of wine and two glasses of cold water.

Duanmuyi took off his bamboo hat, fanned himself, drank some water and said, "I don't know what's going on with them on the other side. No matter how big the Boundless Desert is, it hasn't moved after searching for two months, so it probably isn't here anymore."

Di Kongxuan's face was also a little red from the sun, he wiped off his sweat casually, and said, "Lan Yao went to receive the news.

(End of this chapter)

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