Chapter 1940

He looked coldly at the dean who was also in a mess, and said in a hoarse voice: "I expected that Xuanye College has stood proudly on the mainland for thousands of years, and the previous deans are all strong. But I still didn't expect that you have already stepped forward!" Stepped into that realm."

"You have retreated for 300 years, and as soon as you leave the customs, you tore up the peace agreement of the seven major tribes. You must think that with the current strength of the Mo tribe, the unification of the mainland is within easy reach." On the surface, the big tribes don’t seem to want to make progress, but Xuanye Academy will never slack off.”

Mo Yinwen said with a sneer: "So what? After our Mo clan produces a superhuman powerhouse, everyone will be trampled under their feet and bow their heads to surrender! It's just that I can't see that day, when the Mo clan will be so powerful! Later generations will also see it.”

The dean raised his eyes, as if echoing his gaze, a burst of blinding white light suddenly burst out from the Spirit Hall, and a vast coercion floated from afar.

Mo Yinwen's face was pale, and he turned his head in disbelief: "The peak of the late Mahayana?! Impossible!"

He had already found out that the entire Xuanye Academy, except for the unfathomable dean, the rest were nothing but useless, that's why he dared to come.

But who is that aura over the Spirit Hall? !

Before he could think about it, there was already a person coming from the sky. When he landed, his embroidered robes fluttered in the wind. He stretched out his hand dignifiedly to dust off the dust, and then he said slowly: "Report to Dean, Mo Chengyu has been executed." , Mo Lingyu and Mo Yeyu ran away, and Chen Yuan and the others had already gone after them."

Seeing Yue Rushuang, Mo Yinwen naturally didn't know him, Yue Rushuang was not born when he retreated.

But subconsciously, he thought that this was a hidden power that had been cultivated for thousands of years, and he didn't think about it at all.

"Ah, is this the uncle of the Mo clan?" Yue Rushuang said with a smile, and he bent down to look at Mo Yinwen with a contemptuous attitude, "I have been hearing since I was born that the patriarch of the Mo clan is A talented person from the sky, worshiped under Elder Mo Qi, possesses the Spiritual Fire of Cold, is the strongest alchemist of the holy rank besides Yu Qiongshan, and his talent is even higher than Elder Mo Qi's."

He said words of praise, but slowly stretched out his palm, hanging above Mo Yinwen's head.

Mo Yinwen's sea of ​​consciousness was suddenly turbulent. The soul power he was proud of had already been vulnerable to the severe injury of the dean. After being cast by Yue Rushuang, he was completely helpless.

The cold spiritual fire subdued and refined by him fell into Yue Rushuang's hands grandly like this.

Yue Rushuang's soul power was not outstanding, but he was very interested in spiritual fire, so he simply sat down cross-legged in front of the original owner, began to erase the imprint on the spiritual fire, and directly refined the spiritual fire.

Mo Yinwen resented and hated, a mouthful of blood was held in his throat, and he passed out.


Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan hurried out from the flying monster mark, and before they walked out of the valley, they heard the sound of fighting not far away.

The sky was gloomy, and a dark full moon hung over the valley.

Jiang Shao was defeated, so he took a few steps back and leaned to the side to adjust his breath. Chen Yuan was still fighting Mo Lingyu, but it was hard to tell the winner.

During the stalemate, suddenly a purple light and shadow forcibly broke through the Moyue domain, and the lightsaber danced out a sword net, cutting off Mo Lingyu's control over the full moon in an instant.

Mo Lingyu turned his head to look, and saw a man wrapped in purple armor coming through the wind, his expression indifferent and inviolable.

In the purple-golden light, Emperor Jiang Totem raised his head to the sky and screamed, and the blood-colored beast pupils had already locked on to him.

(End of this chapter)

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