Chapter 1941

"Di, Kong, Xuan!" Mo Lingyu gritted his teeth, almost bleeding out a mouthful.

It is him again!
Bad things come every time!

Di Kongxuan didn't talk nonsense with him, he severely injured him with just one move, and then threw him to Chen Yuan.

Duanmuyi squatted aside to help Young Master Jiang heal, and asked with two purposes: "How is the academy? Why did you all come back so quickly?"

"Boundless Desert is the largest of the three maps. It's normal for you to take a long time." Chen Yuan said, "There's no need to worry about the college. With the dean and Yue Rushuang around, there will be no problem."

Duanmu thought that both of them looked calm, so he knew that the dean's strength was far stronger than imagined.

After Jiang Shao breathed out, he opened his eyes and looked at Duanmuyi, frowning slightly, and said after a while, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Duan Muyi knew what she was awkward about, and felt a little awkward himself, so he nodded lightly, got up and walked away.

"What's the situation now? I heard that the four major tribes have fallen?" Duanmu Yi asked.

Chen Yuan sighed: "It has been infiltrated before, but now the Mo tribe has turned against each other and cooperated with the outside, and we are not here, so we have been taken advantage of. But the headmaster said that the Mo tribe is difficult to deal with. They are the father and son. Other than that, it’s not enough.”

"Where's Mo Yeyu?" Duanmuyi then remembered the Living Bodhisattva of the Mo tribe who was also her guardian in name.

Chen Yuan shook his head: "I ran away, but I didn't find it."

Di Kongxuan stepped forward and said, "I'll leave this place to you, she and I will go find Mo Yeyu."

"We will launch a counterattack in two days and go to the Mo people to search for the whereabouts of the skull." Chen Yuan said, "We will find a way to contact you at that time, let's come together."

Duan Muyi nodded, originally wanting him to take care of Di Dudu more, but then he thought that everyone knew Di Dudu's face, so there was no need to do anything extra.

The four bid farewell here, Chen Yuan and Jiang Shao took Mo Lingyu back to report, Duan Muyi and Di Kongxuan set off again, relying on the two small black jade gourds that Mo Yeyu gave them back then, looking for Mo Yeyu's breath.

Is this the chaos mentioned by the old men in the abyss of the dead?
I always felt that the chaos had just started, and was crushed by the headmaster. At most, the Mo people had harmed the four major tribes.

However, the Mo tribe has no leader now, if Mo Yeyu can stand up and take the lead, things will be much easier.

Inside the Baicao Clan, Mo Yeyu knelt on one knee with his shoulders covered, the sword in his hand propped up against the ground, blood slipped along the edge of the sword and seeped into the soil.

There are cultivators chasing and killing him in all directions, even if they keep hacking and killing, they will not be able to kill them all.

Mo Yeyu's sword was blunt. He didn't dare to kill too many people. He still remembered that when he was in the Abyss of Undead, he promised his senior that he would be a person who protects the mainland.

But it was this way of waiting to attack that made him suffer a lot of injuries.

Just before the next wave of attacks came, there was a burst of fragrance of trees coming with the wind, a purple-golden light and shadow fell, and a plain hand was already on his shoulder.

"Close your eyes and adjust your breath."

Mo Yeyu recognized the owner of the voice, and let out a sigh of relief at the mention, the wounds all over her body were in severe pain.Fortunately, the Rejuvenation Technique quickly circulated throughout the body, immediately relieving the pain of the injury.

He quickly adjusted his breath, and after recovering, he looked at the two and sighed: "I didn't expect it to become like this today."

(End of this chapter)

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