Chapter 1942

"Don't rush to sigh, you have a lot of things to do." Duanmuyi got up and said, "The Mo clan has changed, you have to go back to take charge of the overall situation."

Mo Yeyu was silent for a moment, then said: "The eldest brother is dead, I want to know if my father and second brother can live?"

Di Kongxuan said: "We are not judges, whether they can live or not depends on their own choice."

"..." Mo Yeyu was visibly depressed.

On the one hand, there are his family members who he knows are doing wrong, and on the other hand, the responsibilities on his shoulders. For the first time, he feels that he is really out of tune with the Mo people.


This is the third time the bowl has been thrown.

The servants in the yard knelt down on the ground, no one dared to touch the little witch, and the maid who cleaned up the broken porcelain bowl fled in a hurry, fearing that staying a moment longer would kill her.

The elders came out in full force, and they all went to complete the great cause of the unification of the Mo clan. Except for the guarding elders, no one in the entire Mo clan could control Mo Lange.

Everyone was silent, but one person walked past the servant with light steps, holding the porridge and snacks from the kitchen, and pushed the door open.

"Get out!" Mo Lange yelled sharply.

"Eat." Di Dudu put the bowl on the side of the table where she couldn't drop it.

Mo Lange flicked the whip, mercilessly throwing a bloodstain on his shoulder.

Although she was young, she was full of hostility, staring at him fiercely with her eyes: "I said, get out!"

Di Dudu covered his shoulders, and said without changing his face: "You eat, and I will get out after eating."

"Di Zhao!" Mo Lange reached out and grabbed his collar, throwing him against the wall.With her cross arm stuck in front of his neck, she said coldly: "Are you happy now? Are you proud? Don't forget, you are still in my hands! So what do you think those people outside have captured my father and brother? The Mo tribe Is it something they can chew?!"

Di Dudu said calmly: "I don't have these thoughts."

But Mo Lange didn't listen at all. In the clan ancestral hall the day before yesterday, Mo Chengyu's fate card was broken, which is enough to show that the Mo clan's plan has come to nothing.The rest of the people didn't come back, and the entire Mo people's territory was panicked.

She was left at home, and now she is really alone.

Seeing that her emotions were on the verge of collapse, Didudu quietly sighed, raised his hand, and hugged her.

The two are similar in height, but Di Dudu has been exercising for the little witch's "abdominal muscles" for the past two months. Now his arms are strong and his muscles are thick and thin. Such a hug makes Mo Lange unable to break free.

"You are presumptuous!" Mo Lange said angrily, "Let go!"

Di Dudu touched her hair casually, but hugged her even tighter: "No matter how sad you are, you still have to eat. If you starve yourself, the loss outweighs the gain."

Mo Lange was stunned for a moment, for some reason, a sense of soreness surged in her heart, and the astringent taste rushed into her nostrils. She blinked, and warm drops of water fell down.

The shoulders of the person in his arms were trembling and weeping. He was obviously very sad, but he still tried his best not to cry out, which broke his heart.

At this moment, Di Dudu suddenly understood why every time his father saw his mother's face crossed, he could give up everything and exchange everything in his life for a smile on his sweetheart's face. This deal is very cost-effective.

Mo Lange was finally willing to eat, and everyone in the yard was relieved, thinking in unison that this toy is still the princess' favorite.

(End of this chapter)

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