Chapter 1943

After eating with Mo Lange, Di Dudu went back to apply medicine to the wound. He hadn't released his spiritual power seal yet, and the wound healed very slowly.

Halfway through the medicine was applied, suddenly there was a commotion outside, and the guards broke into the yard, shouting: "It's not good, the six major tribes have brought people to besiege and come in!"

When the six major tribes led people into the Mo tribe, Duanmuyi and Di Kongxuan were still in the Baicao tribe.

Although the news was received, Mo Yeyu went crazy again that day. In order to avoid the pursuit of the Baicao tribe, Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan took him to visit Qiongniang, hoping to stay for two days.

When the three arrived at the Mo tribe, they only saw a piece of ruins.

The six major tribes returned without success, and there was no clue at all about the so-called skull.

Mo Yeyu was worried about Mo Lange's safety, and originally wanted to invite Di Kongxuan and his wife to live in the clan, but the two sides were still hostile on the surface, Duanmuyi declined his invitation, and the two found an inn in the city. Down.

Now that the Mo tribe has reached this point, it doesn't make much sense for Didudu to stay here any longer.

Duanmuyi intends to find a suitable opportunity to bring Didudu out.

Inside the Mo tribe, after hearing Mo Yeyu's intentions, Mo Lange's original joy suddenly turned into indifference.

She looked at the third brother with a gentle smile and pure eyes, and felt very strange for a moment.

"Third brother, before the second brother always said that you are not like our Mo people, I always didn't believe it, but now I believe it." Mo Lange said with a cold look in his eyes, "Now the eldest brother is dead, father and second brother live and die Not sure, when the Mo tribe is in turmoil, you actually want to humbly ask for peace with those hypocrites?"

Mo Yeyu frowned slightly, and said helplessly: "Lan Ge, you should know that the current situation of the Mo people, what will be the result of fighting against the six major tribes? This is because my father tore up the contract first, and we already have wrong--"

"In the past, our Moyue Clan and Dijiang Clan were the first to settle on this continent. In the process of exploring the mainland, how many sages and predecessors of the Mo Clan paid the price with their lives! Now the Dijiang Clan is a shrinking head Turtle, then this continent should belong to our Mo tribe." Although Mo Lange is young, he is not weak, even stronger than Mo Yeyu.

She stood up, stared at Mo Yeyu and said: "When my father left, he handed over the disposal of the Mo people to me. If the third brother wants to be a traitor, then I don't mind calling someone now to lock you up." Get up! When do you figure it out, when will we talk again!"

Mo Yeyu opened his mouth, feeling a little dazed.

He didn't expect that his remarks about easing relations with the six major tribes and restoring the old relationship would arouse such disgust from the youngest sister.

He got up a little helplessly, and for a moment he couldn't tell how he should go.

After sending Mo Yeyu away, Mo Lange issued an order to call the head of the intelligence village.

"Have you found out where father and second brother are being held?"

"The patriarch was imprisoned in the forbidden room of the Spirit Hall. The young patriarch didn't seem to be with him, but the exact place of detention has not been found out yet."

Mo Lange frowned, and said angrily: "Trash! Go investigate again! Also, immediately send people to surround the Shensha tribe. Send a message to Xuanye College. If they don't let them go, I will burn them One city! Didn’t it mean that the Shensha tribe is one of the economic pillars of Xuanye Continent?
(End of this chapter)

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