Chapter 1950

Mo Lingyu laughed loudly: "You are right. In this world, the weak are preyed upon by the strong. I can't do anything to you, but there are people who can."

He clapped his hands, a powerful aura suddenly appeared above the punishment tower, and then similar auras appeared one after another throughout the punishment tower, from the middle stage of Mahayana to the peak of the late stage of transformation, each one was difficult to deal with.

In the punishment tower, there are actually twelve strong men hidden!
This is probably the trump card of the Mo clan.

"Aren't you very strong? Come on then, and let me see what makes the so-called geniuses of the Dijiang clan and the geniuses of the Shengling clan different from ordinary people." Mo Lingyu laughed wickedly.

Mo Lange's face was pale, but he had already raised his hand.

In her palm, dragged a skull with hollow eyes.

"Second brother, don't you want the skull?" She said coldly, "If you dare to hurt them at all, I will destroy it, and none of us will get it."

Mo Lingyu looked down at her condescendingly, and said with a sneer, "Mo Lange, you are promising."

"It's better than your wolf ambition!"

Mo Lingyu raised his hand, and the twelve strong men retreated into the punishment tower.

"Give me the skull." He held out his hand.

Mo Lange is not stupid: "You let us go first, at least send us to the border of the Mo people."

Mo Lingyu chuckled: "Don't be a noble princess of the Mo tribe, but go elope like those stupid people. I thought you were a smart kid at first, but now it seems that you can be stupid."

"Shut up!" Mo Lange remained calm, "As long as you send us to the border, I'll give you the skull right away."

Mo Lingyu raised the corners of his lips, raised his hand and pressed the sand table, and the scene under everyone's feet changed rapidly, and soon they reached the border between the Mo tribe and the Qingyue tribe.

Mo Lange asked him to put away the sand table again, and then reluctantly threw the skull over.

Di Kongxuan closely watched Mo Lingyu's movements, seeing that he was going to get the sand table again as soon as he received the skull, he immediately shot out a purple-gold spiritual force, knocking the sand table in his hand to the ground.

"Let's go!" Duanmuyi pushed Di Zhao and Mo Lange to let them go first, but he turned around and used his innate skills again.

Countless trees in the dense forest grew wildly, the trunks squeezed each other, and the branches and leaves intertwined with each other, quickly blocking the two sides.

Di Kongxuan immediately cast space spells and led them away without hesitation.

Mo Lingyu broke through the tree barrier, looked at this space coldly, and said with a sneer: "Spatial magic, they can't go far, search for me!"

This is not the first time Di Kongxuan has used space magic, because there are so many people with him, he dare not waste too much spiritual power, and the five people were still at the border between the two clans when they landed.

Duanmuyi took his hand worriedly and asked, "Are you okay?"

"It doesn't matter." Di Kongxuan saved his strength, turned his head and took a look, and said, "They will search it soon, first go to the Qingyue Clan, and find the flying monster mark."

The five of them had just walked out, when footsteps suddenly came from ahead.

Di Kongxuan raised his hand to stop them, and frowned slightly.

One waved away the thorns and vines in front of him and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw them: "Finally caught up."

"Third brother?"

"Mo Yeyu?"

With the help of Mo Yeyu, they avoided the Mo clan's hunt, and quickly left the territory of the Mo clan. They found the marking point of the flying monster at the border of the Qingyue clan, and immediately took a...

(End of this chapter)

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