Chapter 1951

Flying monsters, rush back to Xuanye College.

Duanmuyi poured a cup of tea and said: "Now that the skull is lost, Mo Lingyu will definitely find a way to break into the Spirit Hall after getting the skull. We have to think of other ways."

"Is there any other way?" Mo Yeyu asked, "The scroll says that only by gathering the skull, spiritual consciousness and pure blood essence can the super-ordinary powerhouse be awakened and obtain the Dao of cultivation."

Mo Lange was lying in front of the window, looking at the flying clouds that were flying back in front of him, his heart was at a loss.

As Mo Lingyu said, she grew up in the Mo clan since she was a child, and she was used to pampering and domineering. She never thought that one day, she would leave the Mo clan and live a completely strange life.

Di Zhao handed her a cup of tea.

She turned her head to look, and the young man had gentle eyes. Although he had the same amazing facial features as his father, his temperament was more like his mother's. Under the gentle eyes, there was courage and perseverance hidden.

"Di Zhao..." Mo Lange said softly, "I only have you."

His eyes are firm and his smile is warm: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you in the future."

The young lovers are very affectionate here, but on the other side, Duanmuyi has already thought of a way: "Xuanye Valley!"

"What?" Mo Yeyu was at a loss.

Duan Muyi said: "I want to enter Xuanye Valley again. When I left Xuanye Valley last time, I felt an unusual soul wave. I think there must be the answer I want."

"But to enter Xuanye Valley, you need to collect all seven keys." Mo Yeyu said.

"I can get those from the Dijiang and Canghai clans." Dikongxuan said.

Duanmuyi smiled: "Shengling clan, Qingyue clan, and Baicao clan are all fine."

For the Shensha clan, the key is with Chen Yuan. Although he is not very familiar with Chen Yuan, I believe that Chen Yuan will not refuse because of his character of looking after the overall situation.

"Eh..." Mo Yeyu's eyes widened, "Look at me, I don't have the Mo clan's key. Do you want me to ask Mo Lingyu for it?"

The three were silent.

On the side, Mo Lange suddenly whispered: "Father gave me the key of the Mo clan..."

I don't know if this is God's will in the dark, before Mo Yinwen left the Mo clan, he gave Mo Lange the key and the control of the Mo clan.

Later, Mo Lingyu came back and took away the power in her hands, but ignored the key.

Looking at the ring that Mo Lange handed over, the three adults froze in a rare place.

In the end, it was Di Zhao who took the ring and stuffed it into Duanmuyi's hand.

Duanmuyi smiled and opened his eyes: "Lan Ge, thank you."

Mo Lange was a little embarrassed: "I should thank you."

After returning to Xuanye College, Duanmuyi went to Yu Tingsong without stopping.

Hearing her intentions, Yu Tingsong agreed to go home to get the keys without saying a word, and then Duan Muyi went to find Yue Rushuang and Chen Yuan, and got two keys without accident.

"The last time Xuan Yegu came back, my sister gave me the key, here, take it." Yue Rushuang didn't even bother to ask her why she borrowed the key.

Duanmuyi still seriously explained his plan.

Yue Rushuang twitched her brows, and sat up with interest: "Oh? Xuanye Valley? Let's go together then."

"Is the Spirit Hall okay?" Duanmu asked.

Yue Rushuang smiled lazily: "It's the juncture, who is not putting all their eggs in one basket."

Five days later, all the seven keys were collected, and this time I went to Xuanye Valley without saying anything, because...

(End of this chapter)

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