Chapter 1952

All ethnic groups selected core disciples to go together, and there were no more than a dozen people in total, and they set foot on the road to Xuanye Valley together.

It was a different feeling to return to Xuan Ye Valley, especially when Di Tian appeared in front of everyone.

Ditian is still as calm as before, and the people of the Dijiang clan are all upright. Dikongxuan may be the only accident. He is also dignified and elegant when he is serious, but he still has a demon in his eyes. In the evil spirit.

Di Tian's eyes fell on Di Kongxuan, probably because he had torn his face earlier, but now he looked calmly: "Where's the key?"

Di Kongxuan waved his sleeve, and seven keys floated in front of him.

The key of the Dijiang clan was originally given to Di Mingkun for safekeeping, and it was also handed over to him.

Di Tian glanced at Di Mingkun, seemed a little annoyed, but in the end he didn't show anything, with the calm attitude of a great patriarch: "Then come in."

Di Mingkun touched his nose, always feeling a trace of murderous aura from his father.

He looked around, but it was a pity that Di Minggan didn't come with him, otherwise he could still find someone to talk to.Now the relationship between Di Kongxuan and the Dijiang clan was freezing, and he didn't dare to go to the former "third brother", and now the real "second uncle" was talking, so he had to walk forward in silence.

In front of the majestic enchantment stone gate of Neigu, put the seven keys on it, and the stone gate will be opened again.

Di Tian stood on one side and asked, "How long do you plan to come out this time?"

All eyes were on Dikongxuan and Duanmuyi.

Duanmuyi sighed in his heart, stood up and said: "The exact time cannot be determined, if it is fast, it will take three to five days, if it does not go well, it may be delayed for a while."

"What are you looking for? Didn't you get all the bones last time?" Di Tian asked.

Duanmuyi replied with a faint smile and did not reveal his purpose.

Di Tian snorted coldly, turned and left: "I'll give you a month."

Everyone filed in and walked into the narrow and dark corridor again.

In the Abyss of Undead, Duanmuhai looked up at the sky full of miasma, and felt the force of loose strings wandering irregularly in it, and suddenly stagnated at a certain moment.

He lowered his head and smiled with the many wandering souls beside him: "Look, the little ones have made a move."


The time delay was longer than Duanmuyi imagined, and the time of more than ten days was fleeting, but Duanmuyi didn't feel that mysterious atmosphere again.

Half of the companions lost their patience and left the tomb one after another, deciding to wait for them in the outer valley.

Duanmuyi sat cross-legged in the tomb, persistently spreading his soul power to perceive the entire inner valley.

The size of the inner valley exceeded her expectations. In fact, the place where they are located is not the real core location, but it seems to be shrouded in a thick layer of fog, and it is difficult for her soul power to pry.

After another two days, her face gradually turned pale.

No matter how majestic the soul power is, it cannot withstand being wasted without sleep for more than ten days.

Sitting next to her, Di Kongxuan said worriedly, "You should take a rest first."

Yue Rushuang leaned on the jade couch she carried with her, with a tired and lazy look on her face: "If there is such a mysterious power you mentioned, they might have sensed our presence and hid."

This is exactly what Duanmuyi is worried about.

She wiped her sweat, feeling a little helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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