Chapter 1954

The headless skeleton is Ji Fan's.And that powerful Transcendent Stage expert is Ji Fan's master, that is, the immortal man in front of him, Bai Taixuan.

Bai Taixuan looked at Mo Yeyu with a look of appreciation in his eyes: "Flying dragon swordsmanship? Not bad, to be able to comprehend the eighth level at a young age, has the talent of Fan'er back then."

"Um, Senior White, what do you mean—"

"Flying Dragon Sword Art was created by me, don't you know?" Bai Taixuan was silent for a moment, and asked, "What year is it now? I have been asleep for too long, and I don't even know what year it is."

Mo Yeyu answered, and Bai Taixuan looked even more lonely.

"No matter how powerful you were in life, you are nothing but a pile of loess after death. It may not be meaningful to sleep in darkness for thousands of years like me."

Everyone didn't dare to talk nonsense in front of him. Although he was just an illusory soul body, the powerful coercion that seemed to be missing from him was enough to make everyone present shudder.

Yue Rushuang stopped being lazy, put away the jade couch, and stood in the corner watching him silently.

Duanmuyi explained their reason for coming, and finally said: "We just want to bring Xuanye Continent back on track, and the Mo tribe should be succeeded by a more suitable person. Now that Mo Lingyu has obtained the skull, if he can get your skull again The spiritual consciousness placed in the spiritual hall is likely to set off a bloodbath."

Bai Taixuan floated around in the tomb, and finally sat on Ji Fan's coffin.

He patted the coffin lid under him lightly, and said, "I understand. In fact, the skull is not the best way to integrate the spiritual consciousness in the spirit hall. What's more, the one in his hand is just Ji Fan's skull , can’t bear my spiritual consciousness in the Spirit Hall.”

"My bones were wiped out as early as the day I fell. It was Ji Fantuer who left my fly whisk behind, so that my soul can parasitize." He said leisurely, "To get the spiritual consciousness in the Spirit Hall, my this A whisk is the most suitable container."

Di Kongxuan said, "Since Mo Lingyu can't get spiritual knowledge, the purpose of our trip has been achieved."

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, and glanced at him, but saw that his expression was indifferent, and behind him, Yue Rushuang also had the same expression.

Bai Taixuan obviously didn't expect him to say that, he was silent for a while, and suddenly laughed: "Little friend, you are very cunning."

Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes and did not speak.

"Well, of course I didn't give you the spiritual knowledge for nothing. I want you to do something for me. After I finish it, I will give it to you." Bai Taixuan was not annoyed, he was still leisurely.

Mo Yeyu asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Bai Taixuan raised his hand and drew a map in mid-air: "I can barely wake up for a few hours only on the night of the full moon every month. Over the years, I have slowly figured out the whole Xuanye Valley Well, in this place, there is a spring called Nether Yellow Spring. You Nether Yellow Spring can mold a clay body and store essence, with it, I don’t need to live on the whisk, and the whisk can naturally be given to you.”

"You want us to fetch the Underworld for you?" Duanmu asked.

Di Mingkun followed up and asked: "Since you will reshape your physical body at that time, don't you want to integrate the spiritual consciousness in the Spirit Hall again? When you integrate the spiritual consciousness, who else will be your opponent in the whole continent?"

Bai Taixuan laughed out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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