Chapter 1955

"You guys really think highly of me. The clay body molded by Netherworld Huangquan has no sea of ​​consciousness and cannot hide spiritual consciousness. What's more, I just want to leave here and go roaming around the world. What's the point of dominating the continent? "

Everyone gathered together to discuss the feasibility of this matter.

Di Kongxuan always felt that something was wrong, but Bai Taixuan's words were watertight, not to mention that he seemed to be gentle and uncontroversial, which made people unable to doubt.

"How about this, Di Kongxuan, Mo Yeyu and I went to find that Nether Yellow Spring, Moon Rushuang, Patriarch Chenyuan and Di Mingkun guarding here. Mr. Yu, please go out and say to those who guarded the outer valley, by the way Meet us." Duanmuyi proposed.

Everyone nodded, thinking that this plan was feasible.

Seeing that they had reached an agreement, Bai Taixuan condensed the map into a small dot and handed it over to Duanmuyi.After Duanmuyi sensed it with his soul power, he left with Dikongxuan and Mo Yeyu.

The three of them and Yu Tingsong all left the tomb, leaving Di Mingkun, Chen Yuan and Yue Rushuang with nothing to say, the whole tomb fell into silence.

Di Mingkun walked back and forth in the tomb chamber boredly and yawned.

Bai Taixuan looked at Yue Rushuang, and said with a smile: "Which family are you from? This is where your cultivation is the strongest. It's really remarkable to have such a cultivation at this age."

Yue Rushuang was rare and serious, and she said with care like gold: "Qingyue Clan."

"Oh, it's a beautiful family." Bai Taixuan said with a smile, "The patriarch Qingyue in the past can be said to be even more beautiful and moving than the patriarch Moyue, and he was also called the peerless double moon."

Yue Rushuang complained secretly, what kind of silly title is this.

Di Mingkun's eyes suddenly fell on the wall behind the coffin, and his pupils shrank slightly.He quietly retreated to Yue Rushuang's side, and flirted with him.

Yue Rushuang lowered her eyes, and chuckled: "It seems that one generation is not as good as the previous generation. My sister is definitely not a beauty now. She mixes with men all day long and smells like copper."

As he spoke, he moved his footsteps slightly, blocked Chen Yuan, turned his hands behind his back, and gestured at him.

The next moment, the three released the strongest blow at the same time, and turned around and ran towards the outside of the tomb.

"Fuck, what's going on?" Chen Yuan was still in a fog, and couldn't help asking while running.

Di Mingkun roared: "On the wall, there are traces of the Emperor Jiang Jue! There are also bloodstains!"

"Could it be left behind by Di Kongxuan?"

"Impossible, the starting posture is different!"

"Shut up!" Yue Rushuang kicked them all to the ground.

A powerful spiritual power rushed from behind, if it wasn't for Yue Rushuang's quick reaction, they might have turned into headless corpses.

Bai Taixuan's laughter resounded from the long corridor, and people surrounded him from all directions: "I wanted to stay with you for a while, but it's rare to meet such interesting children. Now that you have found out, it's such a pity."

"Go first, go find Di Kongxuan and the others!" Yue Rushuang yelled.

Now is not the time to hesitate, Di Mingkun and Chen Yuan got up without saying a word, and headed towards the direction where Di Kongxuan and the others left.

At this time, the three of Di Kongxuan had already fallen into the illusion of killing.

Duanmuyi pressed one hand on the ground, the ancient Bodhi tree grew on the narrow and damp ground, its branches and leaves spread wildly towards the sides.

(End of this chapter)

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