Chapter 1956

The silver-blue light spots spread, and the strong vitality was contending with the murderous power of the outside world.

"It's been tricked." Mo Yeyu said loudly, "It's too much to plot against us!"

Duanmu said: "Living Bodhisattva, do your best, don't talk nonsense!"

Di Kongxuan said: "This should be the Netherworld. The Netherworld is not used to reshape the body, but Bai Taixuan's final killer move."

The black jade gourd on Duanmuyi's waist shook, Mo Zhanfeng popped up, and said in surprise, "I said, why is it so familiar, it turned out to be Netherworld? How did you come to the boundary of Netherworld?"

Mo Yeyu: "Who are you!"

Duanmuyi: "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"Eh... I'm an anonymous junior." Mo Zhanfeng leaned in front of Duanmuyi, "Why did you get mixed up with the Mo people?"

Duanmuyi: "...Can we go out and talk about these things? Is there a way to leave here?"

Mo Zhanfeng looked hopeless: "No, Netherworld was born underground. Once you are drawn into its killing environment, you can't get out unless you destroy its foundation. Oh, there is another way, which is to live Sacrifice, let it taste the blood, and it will find a way out."

"Don't leave me behind!" Mo Yeyu was afraid that they would sacrifice her life as an "outsider".

Duanmu said: "..."

My head hurts.

Di Kongxuan suddenly said: "If there is a chance, let them come to rescue."

"Yue Rushuang and the others are in the same room with Bai Taixuan, what if... are they Bai Taixuan's opponent?" Duanmuyi was extremely worried.

"Di Mingkun and Chen Yuan probably won't do it, but if Yue Rushuang tries desperately, she might be able to hold him back." Di Kongxuan said, "Fortunately, Yutingsong has already gone out, so maybe Ditian can be saved."

He didn't expect to put his hope on Ditian now, Duanmuyi knew that he was also feeling bad, Dikongxuan was actually very strong, he might rather grit his teeth and fight his way out than pin his hopes on others, especially his enemies.

But now he is not the only one here, that's why he said that.

Mo Zhanfeng, who knew the inside story, snorted: "Ditian? Are you sure he will come to save you?"

In the next few days, Duan Muyi and Mo Zhanfeng took turns resisting the killing aura from Netherworld, while Di Kongxuan and Mo Yeyu stood at the boundary, cutting off the auras that intended to break in from the killing illusion .

Mo Zhanfeng couldn't hold on at first, he could only rely on the natural fragrance of the holy medicine to resist the killing spirit, and soon he became dizzy, and Duanmuyi had to take care of him, but in the end he could only let him Go back and rest.

Duanmuyi was struggling alone, and within three days he was already a little tired.

However, the killing aura from Netherworld Spring kept flowing.

Di Kongxuan and Mo Yeyu were also very tired, everyone's spiritual power was almost exhausted, Mo Yeyu's tiger's mouth was covered with blood, and Di Kongxuan was not in a good place, when blocking the attack for Mo Yeyu, even He was almost dragged into a killing situation.

Duanmuyi treated the two of them with rejuvenation while maintaining the safe range of the ancient Bodhi tree.

However, the spiritual power was exhausted, and the safe range shrunk again and again until finally the three of them were huddled together, unable to move.

In front of him is the murderous aura that stretches its teeth and claws, which is boundless.

Mo Yeyu couldn't hold the sword, and sat on the ground panting heavily: "That's fine, we don't need to do it ourselves."

(End of this chapter)

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