Chapter 1960

Condensing his spirit body, the old man of the Mo family has disappeared.

Di Chongfeng roared angrily: "Di Tian!"

Everyone looked up and saw that the person pulling Bai Taixuan was not Di Tian, ​​whoever it was!

Di Tian's complexion was also very bad, he changed hands, pushed Bai Taixuan out of the formation, and wanted to go out with him, but was stopped by Di Chongfeng and Duanmu Hai.

Emperor Chong Fengqi's whole body was trembling, but he and Bai Taixuan had already suffered a lot from the trembling, and it was extremely difficult to maintain their soul and body.

Di Tian avoided his gaze, and when no one was paying attention, he slapped fiercely.The palm wind was so sharp that it directly shattered the soul bodies of Di Chongfeng and Duanmuhai.

With one move, the ancestors of the Dijiang clan were completely destroyed.

There was silence between heaven and earth.

No one thought that things would evolve to this point. Facing Bai Taixuan, everyone was united, and with the help of Abyss of Undead, they felt that there was nothing invincible.

But now facing Ditian, facing this person who trapped everyone here with every gesture and cruelly destroyed the soul body of the ancestors of the Dijiang clan, everyone felt a chill.

Di Kongxuan slowly clenched his fists.

Yet someone was faster than him.

Di Mingqian and Di Mingkun flashed at the same time and appeared in front of Ditian.

Di Tian said in a deep voice, "Go away."

"Father..." Di Mingkun clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on his arms were throbbing. He suppressed his anger and asked, "Why?"

Di Tian glanced over the two brothers, his expression was calm: "There is no reason, the Dijiang clan should have a foothold on the top of the mainland."

Di Mingqian said in a low voice: "You want to be the overlord of Xuanye Continent?"

Di Tian didn't speak.

Di Ming roared angrily: "What's the difference between this and the Mo people!"

"There is no difference." Di Tiandan said.

Both brothers were stunned: "What?"

Ditian sneered: "I said, there is no difference. The Dijiang clan and the Moyue clan are the two earliest tribes, and they are also the two strongest tribes. Perhaps the only difference is that the Mo clan is stupid because Lian Xuanye The forces in the mainland have not figured it out, so they act rashly, and it will not be a big weapon in the end."

Di Mingkun fell into bewilderment and anger.

The Dijiang clan has always claimed to be a decent family. As the oldest and most powerful family, they hide in the northwest corner of the mainland. Although it has been said for hundreds of years that the Dijiang clan has gradually declined, no one dares to really ignore them.

He is very proud that he is a member of the Dijiang tribe.

But now, the patriarch of the Dijiang clan, his father, has torn his pride clean, leaving nothing behind.

Di Mingkun couldn't bear it.

With a movement of his palm, the big knife fell into his hand.

Ditian smiled mockingly: "Oh? You want to fight with me? Don't you think how much you weigh?"

Di Mingkun's hand holding the handle of the knife trembled slightly.

"But please try!"

Of course he was aware of the gap between himself and Ditian. Ditian was at the peak of the late Mahayana cultivation, and this was more than ten years ago. It is estimated that no one knows what his cultivation is now.

But so what!

He is a knife, when the strong is strong, he can cut it with one knife!

Even if it can't be cut down, the blade is curled, and you lose your life, that is also the fate of the knife!
His hands stopped shaking, and the knife was steadily raised in his hands, but the people around him moved faster than him!
Di Minggan didn't say any nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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