Chapter 1961

The knife in his hand has fallen.

He has always sought the way between life and death, and every time he stepped on the death line, but there was never a time that made his blood boil more than today!

Because he knew well that the Ditian in front of him, his father, was a mountain that he could not cross!
However, just because you can't get better, doesn't mean you can't cut a path on the mountain!

The two brothers moved their hands almost at the same time, and the blades fell at the same time.

The vast and majestic spiritual power pressed down like two mountains, but Di Tian, ​​who was facing them, stretched out only one hand, and pressed the palm down, twisting the two knives into pieces.

The two brothers spurted blood and hit the ground.

He couldn't stop it, even if he tried his best, he couldn't reach him with one hand.

Di Mingkun's cultivation was weaker, he clutched his chest, almost out of breath.

Dikongxuan's eyes darkened, and he suddenly moved.

The corners of his black robe were blown up by the wind and turned into a light and shadow, and the purple-gold spiritual power had already turned into a majestic armor around him.

He stood in front of Ditian with serious eyes, without saying a word.

Di Tian looked at him coldly, clenched his fists slightly behind his back.

If you want to say who Ditian is most afraid of, it's not Bai Taixuan, nor the mysterious headmaster of Xuanye College, but his cousin, Di Junze.

Di Junze is the real direct bloodline of the Dijiang clan, the most valued son of the previous patriarch, with unlimited scenery and profound cultivation.

Although Di Junze was always gentle and tolerant towards them juniors, Di Tian just felt that there was never their shadow in this uncle's eyes, it was the vast sky, high and vast, and lonely.

Di Junze like this made Di Tian feel that he was the real Tian.

So Di Tian was afraid of him.

Ditian's father was also afraid of him, afraid and jealous, so after planning for a long time, he finally beat Ditian to the Lower Realm Continent and turned him into a useless person.

Originally, they all thought that they could just sit back and relax, but they didn't expect that Di Junze from the Lower Realm Continent didn't get depressed, but relied on his outstanding talent, he practiced again, got married, and gave birth to a son.

Ditian's father was terrified. He was afraid that if he ascended again, all his calculations would be in vain and he would become a sinner of the Dijiang clan.


Ditian's memories flow back like a tide. He remembers that his father passed on the position of patriarch to himself, and he also remembers that his father used the clone technique to go to the Lower Realm to kill people.

Before his father left, he told him that the Dijiang clan has been in their line ever since.

He also said that to be superior to others, absolutely no one is allowed to threaten his position.

Knowing about Dikongxuan's ascension, Ditian was shocked, angry and afraid.

This second brother in name was deliberately twisted into his own cousin by him. He didn't dare to see him, so he was hurriedly entered into the genealogy, but he refused to say which bloodline it was.

But now, it's finally going to be like this.

Ditian thought a lot in this short moment.

But in the end, it was he who made the first move.

Everyone looked, but they saw that Ditian had already used Dijiang Jue. The power of Dijiang Jue's eighth layer was enough to turn the world upside down. The entire Xuanye Valley was trembling. Numerous cracks appeared on the ground, and even swallowed several clansmen.

Duanmuyi squinted his eyes, panicking in his heart.

Ditian's cultivation is unfathomable, she knows that Dikongxuan is not his opponent for the time being.

No one present was his opponent.

Sure enough, Di Kongxuan didn't stop him, and was forced to take a dozen steps back.

(End of this chapter)

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