Chapter 1963

The man looked over and said, "Gather the four spirit fires together, and detonate them at the same time with the power of the soul, then you can destroy Xuanye Valley and break away from the formation."

Four spiritual fires? !
Most of the people are desperate.

One spiritual fire is hard to find, let alone four? !

Among the crowd, Duanmuyi raised her hand, and the spirit fire of the realm jumped at her fingertips.

Di Kongxuan's Yin Spirit Fire and Yu Tingsong's Na Spirit Fire appeared successively.

The three spiritual fires came out together, and the temperature of the entire Xuanye Valley rose rapidly, the vegetation began to twist and wither, and everyone spontaneously used their spiritual power to resist the heat.

One more flower.

Chen Yuan was stunned, and looked at the people around him.

Yue Rushuang raised her hand, and the cold spirit fire swayed with dark light.

Duanmuyi was also a little surprised. Seeing Yue Rushuang approaching, he lazily said, "Hurry up and do it."

If there is anyone here who has the strength to control four spiritual fires to detonate at the same time with his soul power, that person is only Duanmuyi.


Mo Yeyu turned to look at the soul body: "Senior, the four spiritual fires detonated at the same time, which is enough to burn down half the continent. Can we survive?"

The man said: "Naturally, there is an eye of the formation. Detonate the spiritual fire at the eye of the formation, the power will only be applied to the formation, and will not hurt the people inside the formation."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can you?" Di Kongxuan asked in a low voice.

Duanmuyi has recovered most of his soul power in the past three days, so he is sure of it.

"Don't worry, this is our only hope, if you can't do it, you have to do it."

She immediately sat down cross-legged, and the other three sat down beside her.

The four spiritual fires lifted into the air, and under the guidance of the soul body, they were respectively put into the four formation eyes.But Duanmuyi's sea of ​​consciousness moved slightly, and the red-clothed Yuantu stood up from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness and appeared in front of Duanmuyi.

Yuan Tai looked dull, but his face was more charming and lively than Duanmuyi himself.

Duanmuyi raised a finger and pointed it between her eyebrows.

Yuan Tai flew into the air, and she controlled the four spirit fires, and Duanmuyi only had to control Yuan Tai.

"Three, two, one!" The soul counted down nervously.

Duanmuyi opened his eyes suddenly, opened his lips and said, "Explosion!"

The explosion of the spiritual fire was silent, and one could only feel a terrifying high temperature that burned the entire Xuanye Valley into a real ruin.

And in the next second, with the violent tremor of the formation, the entire Xuan Ye Valley was almost turned over.

Everyone was defenseless and almost buried in the soil.

The formation trembled for more than half an hour, and finally couldn't resist the huge power of the spiritual fire explosion, and it shattered.

Lan Yao pushed the soil off her head and crawled out, coughing violently.

Then one after another, more and more people pushed through the soil, crawled out in disgrace, brushed off the dust on their bodies, and walked out of the valley.

"It's really broken, it's really broken!"

"What about them?"

Everyone looked around, but did not see the four people.

"Brother Kongxuan!" Lan Yao shouted, rushed back, pawing at the place where they disappeared.

More and more people joined him.

Finally, their clothes corners were found under the soil.

Yu Tingsong had been holding his breath, and now he finally coughed, waved away the hands in front of him, and sat up.Yue Rushuang was next to him, and he gave him a hand.

Yue Rushuang patted the dust on her head, her face was ugly.

This is the second time he has been buried in the soil in the past few days.

(End of this chapter)

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