Chapter 1964

The golden and precious young master Yue Da wanted to take a bath very much.

Not far away from them, Di Kongxuan arched his back, his robe was waved away, and a pale woman was wrapped in his arms.

Di Kongxuan also woke up, he carefully avoided the dust, and carried Duanmuyi out.

"What's wrong with her?" Lan Yao leaned over.

Di Kongxuan said in a low voice: "The spiritual consciousness is seriously depleted and fell into a deep sleep."

Lan Yao was concerned: "It should be all right?"

Di Kongxuan shook his head, the problem of impaired spiritual consciousness can be big or small, maybe he will wake up soon, maybe he will never wake up again.

He didn't know, but he still hugged her tightly.

Duanmuyi's consciousness was floating and sinking in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the red-clothed primordial body had already sunk into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, and he couldn't wake it up no matter what, the sea of ​​consciousness rolled up turbulent waves, as if the scene of annihilation of the world.

But there is a rain cloud condensed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The rain cloud was gray and white, and it was not rain, but the power of the soul.

Bathed in the power of the soul, the red-clothed Yuantai slowly opened its eyes, and Duanmuyi's voice sounded from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness: "Who are you?"

"We are the last survivors of the Abyss of Undead."

"The Abyss of Undead has no meaning to exist. This is the last chance for Xuanye Continent. You are the one chosen by the Dao of Heaven."

"It's useless for us to stay, but you must be alive and wake up."

"Go to God Gengfu, only he can check and balance Bai Taixuan."

"Wake up... wake up..."

With the calls of the surviving undead one after another, her sea of ​​consciousness gradually calmed down, and those undead exhausted their last soul power to reshape her sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, everyone felt a soft yet powerful force sweeping across their bodies like a breeze, and then spreading farther away.

From Xuanye Valley, to the entire Dijiang Clan, to the Qingyue Clan, to the Shengling Clan, to the Baicao Clan...

Finally, include the entire continent.

Duanmuyi's soul power has never been so powerful. She saw the mourning of the entire continent at this moment, the blood-filled sky, and the indissoluble white mist on the unknown sea outside the territory.

She regained her spiritual consciousness, saw the veins of the leaves, saw the light refracted by the water droplets, saw the wriggling larvae in the pool of blood, and also saw the figure in the Spirit Hall.

Bai Taixuan turned around abruptly, staring fixedly at one place, but found nothing.

Duanmuyi finally opened his eyes.

She saw Dikong Xuanyi guarding beside her bed in a puzzled manner, with a tired look and blue stubble growing on his chin.

Duanmuyi curled up her fingers and found that her hand was firmly held by him.

With such a movement, Di Kongxuan also opened his eyes: "Ayi?"

"Where are we?" Duanmuyi sat up.

"The other garden outside Xuanye Valley." Di Kongxuan helped her, but she pulled her onto the bed.

Duanmuyi pressed his shoulder and said: "Go to sleep, I'll go out and have a look."

Di Kongxuan stubbornly wants to be with her.

Duanmuyi laughed: "It's just an injury, it's not like I won't be able to wake up."

"If those undead hadn't volunteered to reshape your spiritual consciousness, do you think you would still be alive and kicking like you are now?" Di Kongxuan was a little annoyed.

"Okay, you know I'm alive and kicking now, so don't worry about it." Duanmuyi immediately softened his voice and kissed him on the corner of his mouth, "Hurry up and adjust your status, we will have a meeting later."

(End of this chapter)

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