Chapter 1965

Duanmuyi didn't go out until Dikongxuan fell asleep.

Although Xuanye Valley's formation was broken, none of the people left for the whole day, unexpectedly they all stayed here and adjusted their status.

Seeing her coming out, Yu Tingsong was the first to stand up, but didn't go over. He just stood under the eaves not too far away, and asked with a faint smile, "Is it all right?"

Duanmuyi nodded: "It's all right."

"Just now I felt a wave of spiritual consciousness sweeping across, is it you?" Yu Tingsong asked.

Duanmuyi smiled, his eyes were calm and deep.

Looking at the dim sky not far away, she said, "Yes, Returning to the Ruins."

"It's amazing." Yu Tingsong sighed.

From the Great Perfection of Soul Power, to the Mustard Seed Realm, to the Haina Realm, and then to the Ruins Realm that no one in the entire continent has ever reached, it took the woman in front of me less than two years.

Anyone should be amazed, the talent is extraordinary.

Di Kongxuan didn't sleep for too long, in fact he didn't fall asleep either, he just adjusted his breath for a while, after two hours, everyone gathered together.

Duan Muyi said slowly: "Under my spiritual knowledge, I see that the entire continent has been controlled by Bai Taixuan, and now Bai Taixuan lives in the spiritual hall of Xuanye College, and the situation of the college is unknown. All major tribes are resisting, but Bai Taixuan turned all the Dijiang people brought by Ditian into puppets, and the rest of the seven major tribes can't stop them."

Hearing this, everyone gasped.

"What should I do then?" Someone asked.

Duanmu realized the words left by the undead in his sea of ​​consciousness.

But she didn't say it out. In other words, she didn't trust everyone present. Once someone was caught by Bai Taixuan and turned into a puppet later, she might leak her plan.

She just said: "Xuanye Valley goes up to the Dijiang Clan, along the line adjacent to the Qingyue Clan and Shengling Clan, down to the Baicao Clan. We can choose these four tribes. We need to find a place as our base camp before we can Plan a counterattack."

"Forget about the Dijiang clan, who knows what traps are waiting for us in the Dijiang clan!" Many people shouted.

Duanmuyi's gaze swept over Di Mingkun who was at the side, he was silent from the beginning to the end, like a volcano waiting to erupt.

Yu Tingsong said gently: "Go to the Baicao tribe."

The crowd fell silent.

He has always had such a gentle temperament. Everyone in the world knows that the young patriarch of the Baicao Clan is kind and willing to listen to him.

"The clan protection formation of the Baicao clan was left by the ancestors of Shennong, and God Gengfu strengthened it before he left. I think, apart from the Dijiang clan and the Mo clan, the clan protection formation belonging to the Baicao clan should be the safest .” Yu Tingsong explained seriously.

Everyone nodded.

Duanmu agreed with everyone, so he said: "Then please prepare, we will leave for the Baicao Clan later."

After returning to the room, Di Kongxuan followed in and whispered, "What's your plan?"

Duanmu set up a restriction, and said just now: "Sure enough, I can't hide it from you. I plan to go to the unknown sea outside the region to find God Gengfu."

Di Kongxuan was stunned for a moment, but also understood.

Since there has been no whereabouts of the Great God Gengfu in the entire Xuanye Continent for hundreds of years, the most likely place for him to go is outside the territory.

The outside world is the territory of the monster clan, and the God Gengfu had tamed many monsters in the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm before his ascension, so perhaps there could really be clues to him there.

(End of this chapter)

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