Chapter 1966

"Just the two of us?" Di Kongxuan thought about it, "That's fine, now that Xuanye Continent is in crisis, those people have to stay and take care of the overall situation."

But Duanmuyi shook his head: "It's not the two of us, it's me."

Di Kongxuan's face suddenly darkened.

Anticipating that he would be unhappy, Duanmuyi had no choice but to explain: "I know you are worried about me, but as you said, the Xuanye Continent cannot do without you strong men. I am also at the early stage of Mahayana, and I have the ability to protect myself What's more, the outside world is full of dangers for you, but for me, I have half of the blood of the Yaozu, and the Yaozu will not embarrass me."

"You—" Di Kongxuan had ten thousand and ten thousand reasons to go with her, but he also knew that her words were justified.

Neither of them would back down, they looked at each other for a moment, and it was Dikongxuan who sighed first.

Duanmuyi bent his lips and smiled, leaned over and said, "What's more, Zhao'er and Lange are missing, and it's up to you to find them."

"You don't realize where they are?" Di Kongxuan asked.

Duanmuyi shook his head: "However, it is precisely because I can't detect them that I can guess their location. In the entire continent, the only thing that can shield my spiritual consciousness is the Spirit Hall. I can see Bai Taixuan in the Spirit Hall , but I can't see the depths of the Spirit Hall, I suspect that the two of them were imprisoned there."

Di Kongxuan nodded: "Don't worry, leave them to me."

Taking advantage of the darkness, everyone left Xuanye Valley.

The Xuanye Valley, which was a famous place in the past, is now left behind by everyone, and it is already a barren ruin.

Who would have thought that this place was the burial place of the strong men of the seven tribes?
Originally, everyone was skeptical after hearing Duanmuyi's narration, but when they left Xuanye Valley and walked south along the sideline, they realized that the situation was far more serious than what Duanmuyi described.

Ditian and Bai Taixuan didn't know what kind of agreement they reached. Bai Taixuan sat in the Spirit Palace, but it was Ditian who actually led people to slaughter the seven major tribes.

Xuanye College is now under the control of Bai Taixuan, the dean is missing, the deputy dean and the elders are all killed in battle, and it is heard that the head was hung at the gate of the college for three days and three nights, no one dared to restrain it.

The Mo tribe became Ditianxin's territory, and Mo Lingyu died at the door of his house. Hearing that his death was miserable, he had no strength to resist at all.The Canghai, Shensha, and Shengling tribes also suffered heavy casualties, leaving only some old and weak women and children. Those who could escape fled to the Baicao tribe, and those who could not escape could only wait to die at home.

As for the Dijiang clan, it has already become an empty shell.All the clansmen were taken out by Ditian, borrowed Bai Taixuan's power to refine them into puppets, and massacred them.

Hearing the news, Duan Muyi couldn't help but look at Di Mingkun again, but Di Mingkun didn't respond, as if the protagonist in the news was a stranger at all.

How does it feel to be betrayed by someone close to you?
Duanmu realized something from a long time ago, the time when she just crossed over, from Xiaoyi to Duanmuyi, when she just received the memory of the original owner.

It really sucks to feel betrayed.

Duanmuyi couldn't help but tugged at the sleeves of the people around him, and said in a low voice, "Your cheap nephew, aren't you going to comfort him?"

Di Kongxuan turned his head sideways, glanced at Di Mingkun's expression, and said calmly, "Consolation? He doesn't need it."

Not uncommon!
(End of this chapter)

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