Chapter 1967

Everyone arrived at the Baicao Clan half a month later.

At this time, those who could escape from the entire Xuanye Continent had already gathered in the Baicao Clan, and Yu Qiongshan and Qiongniang, who had received the news in advance, were already waiting for them at the border.

The border is not safe, the Baicao Clan's clan protection array can only protect a range of [-] miles around the main city, outside of that range, Ditian's people may attack at any time.

But fortunately, Duanmuyi's side is all the elite powerhouses of various tribes, so he is not afraid.

After the two sides met, they hurried back to the main city without having time to talk about the past.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they entered the range of the guardian array.

Yu Qiongshan has always been meticulous, but now facing this tricky matter, her clothes are also wrinkled, and even her hair is not evenly tied.

He frowned and asked Yu Tingsong the reason for these things.

Yu Tingsong then told what happened in Xuanye Valley in detail.

"Bai Taixuan...this is really difficult." Yu Qiongshan seemed to know something, but before he could continue, someone reported that Duanmu wanted him to explain.

Yu Qiongshan hurried over to see Duanmuyi, and the two talked secretly for an hour, then Yu Qiongshan opened the secret realm of the Baicao Clan and let Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan in.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Qiongshan released a piece of news - Duanmu intended to refine his own primordial fetus into an external primordial embryo, specially used to deal with Bai Taixuan, so he needed to retreat for a period of time.

During this period, the task of the rest of the people is to re-establish the mark points of the flying monsters destroyed by Ditian.

Qingyue, the patriarch of the Qingyue Clan, drew out all the marking points in detail. When the flying monster marking points are rebuilt, it is the time for everyone to counterattack.

Just as everyone was intensively preparing the plan, Duanmuyi stood at the center of the Baicao Clan's secret realm.

There is a washed stone there, which has been sunken in the center for a long time.

This is the place where the patriarchs of the past dynasties realized the way of heaven. The person who sat here last time was the Great God Gengfu.

Similarly, this is also the only space transfer formation in the entire continent.

In addition to reaching an unmatched level in medicine, God Gengfu also possesses a mysterious and unpredictable space magic technique. If he hadn't mysteriously disappeared later, the leader of the seven major tribes may now be the Baicao tribe.

She wants to work with Di Kongxuan to set the foothold of the space transfer formation at the easternmost end of the Canghai Clan, which is also the edge of an unknown place outside the territory.


Under the blue sky, above the clear water, and in front of many buildings, there was a dull thunder.

Someone raised his head and asked lightly, "Are you ready?"

The girl nodded vigorously: "Okay! Duck!"

"..." The man turned his head, his eyes were bleak and distant, "We didn't go to play."

The woman snuggling beside him smiled gently, her gaze fell on the heavy thunderclouds.

"Be careful, Jie Lei is coming."


The space transfer formation was activated, Duanmuyi smiled slightly, and waved to the people outside the formation: "Wait for me to come back."

Di Kongxuan looked at her with reluctance and helplessness.

It has always been like this, no matter how he disagrees with her decision, he can only support her.

At this time, at the easternmost end of the Canghai Clan, a small uninhabited island was silent on the sea.Huge waves rose and fell, hitting the rocks, sparking white jade-like sprays.

The space distorted suddenly, but the wind and waves were completely still at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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