Chapter 1968

In the next second, a woman in a white skirt appeared on the top of the island.

Looking at the boundless ocean in front of him, Duanmuyi breathed a sigh of relief.

The unknown land outside the territory, the mysterious unknown sea, the monster race forgotten by the world, here I come!
Heavy mist filled the air, and the deeper you went into the ocean, the more you felt that there was endless desolation between the heaven and the earth.The waves were fast and strong, but the light boat under Duanmuyi's feet could stick firmly to the water surface, rising and falling with the wind and waves.

It has been more than ten days since Duanmuyi sat on the small boat to meditate every day, and his mood tended to be peaceful.

There are many sea monsters living in the bottom of the sea. At first, the boat that followed her wanted to sneak attack her, but they all disappeared under the pressure of her soul power from the Returning Ruins Realm.

But today, she raised her head and looked at the sky.

The clouds were stained black, the wind was getting faster and faster, and the waves were getting bigger and bigger. It could be seen that a storm was coming.

The storm on the sea is by no means something that humans can fight against. More importantly, the Kraken lurking on the bottom of the sea is very likely to take this opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

After another half an hour, the first thunderstorm sounded, and the rapid raindrops fell with the strong wind and waves, and the boat lost its balance when it hit the ground.

Duanmuyi immediately mobilized his spiritual power to protect the light boat under his feet.

The sea monster, who had been dormant for a long time, finally couldn't bear the temptation, opened its huge mouth under the sea surface, and bit the boat off in one bite!

Duanmuyi flew up and stood in the air, with the silver blue spiritual power in his hand turning into a silver long sword, staring at the sea monster coldly.

The sea monster looked at her across the sea, the blood-colored pupils were fearless, all the instinct of a beast.

"Beast, since you swallowed my boat, then you can be my boat!" Duanmuyi smiled coldly, and turned into a silver-blue streamer, falling towards the sea.

Thunder and lightning danced intimately beside her, like a god of creation.

The sea monster's pupils shrank, but he refused to dodge, and rushed out of the water.

One after another, sea monsters jumped out of the sea, frantically trying to devour the fresh flesh and blood in front of them.

In their consciousness, the flesh and blood of practitioners is the most delicious, but they haven't tasted it for hundreds of years.

Duanmuyi used his powerful soul power to suppress them, but the sword in his hand was merciless, reaping the lives of the sea monsters.

In the monster race, only monsters who have made a big mistake will be relegated to the sea to survive.


"The flying monster markers have all been rebuilt." Qingyue lit up all the 38 markers on the map behind her.

She glanced at everyone and said, "Someone is needed now to put these energy stones into the marking points. Flying monsters only obey the call of energy stones."

Because the reconstruction of the marker points was all carried out in secret, in the meticulous preparation of everyone, the position of the marker point was staggered a little from the original position, which cleverly avoided the surveillance of Ditian and Bai Taixuan.

But if you want to put energy stones, it will definitely attract the attention of Ditian and Bai Taixuan.

It is an extremely dangerous task.

Everyone was silent for a moment, Di Mingkun stood up, and after so many days of silence, he spoke the first sentence.

"I go."

His voice was hoarse and low, as if stained with blood.

Qingyue was stunned for a moment, she didn't object, she didn't agree, she just silently waited for the others to make a decision.

But everyone didn't know what kind of mentality it was, and they were unwilling to be the first to stand up and admit it.

At this moment, Di Kongxuan said lightly: "That's how it is, I'll go with him, and go to the Spirit Hall by the way."

(End of this chapter)

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