Chapter 1969

"Are you crazy?!" Chen Yuan hurriedly said, "The Spirit Hall is Bai Taixuan's residence, aren't you courting death?"

"The flying monster markers near Xuanye College are the most important ones. Di Mingkun has to go to the remaining 37. Leave this to me." Di Kongxuan got up calmly.

His eyes swept over everyone, and he smiled inexplicably: "What's more, my son is still there."

These people were afraid of the people of the Dijiang clan, and even him and Di Mingkun were also afraid of them.

Although no one said it clearly, the attitude they showed intentionally or unintentionally was enough to explain everything.


Duanmuyi stood up in the air, his chest heaving and falling, panting heavily.

Even beheading ten sea monsters was exhausting even for her.

The sea monsters on the bottom of the sea smelled the smell of blood, and they gathered more and more. The entire sea area was full of rolling and biting sea monsters. In the distance, more sea monsters came here.

I'm afraid it won't work if it goes on like this.

Duanmu intended to look further east.

The storm has stopped, because of the strong wind and heavy rain, the mist covering the sea has dissipated, and the land in the distance is rarely seen clearly.

There are still about [-] nautical miles left. At her speed, if she goes all out, it will take an hour, which is still a bit risky.

Her gaze fell below.

It seems that it is still necessary to kill a few sea monsters, and it is best to kill them while walking to delay time.

Just as she was about to make a move, her consciousness suddenly moved. On the opposite land where her consciousness touched, several powerful auras rushed over from there, one of which she couldn't even perceive, and her cultivation must be higher than hers. !
Not knowing whether the visitor was good or evil, Duanmu wanted to find a place to hide, but above the vast sea, she had nowhere to hide.

During this moment of hesitation, she decided to take a gamble.

So she slammed into the sea with vast spiritual power in her palm.

Countless sea monsters screamed and jumped out of the sea, and in the next second, under Duanmuyi's eyes, they all turned into broken corpses. Countless blood mist exploded in front of her eyes and fell back to the sea, like a red carpet , Not for a moment, was melted by sea water.

And those people had already appeared before her eyes.

For the first time, she felt "stunned".

"Jiang...Jiang suspected?"

The leading man looked at her with indifferent brows and lofty expressions, and looked at her from ten steps away. Although he smiled softly, he seemed a little distant.

And behind him, a young girl rushed over happily: "Cousin!"

Duanmuyi was hugged by her bear, and it took him a long time to find his words: "Xiaoxi, why are you here?!"

"Of course they came from the ascension." Hu Yuexi said happily, "It was the patriarch Jiang who said that you and your brother-in-law are in trouble here, and you need me to help you! Cousin, are you going to the Yaozu to find help? Don't be so troublesome, before I came, I had ordered the top ten masters of the Yaozu to come later."

Duanmuyi caught the point in her chirping words.

She looked up at Jiang Sui, full of questions that she wanted to ask.

Beside Jiang Sui, Ying Lan smiled slightly: "Miss Duanmu, let's talk as we walk."

She flicked her sleeves, and a gorgeous and huge ship appeared on the sea surface. The sea monster had disappeared and landed on the ship, unable to even feel the fluctuations of the waves.

The four entered the cabin, and the remaining three strong monsters stayed on the deck.

(End of this chapter)

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