Chapter 1970

After Duanmuyi sat down, he was silent for a long time, trying to organize his thoughts in his mind.

Ying Lan handed over a cup of tea with a smile, and said, "What do you want to say?"

"The first question, I hope the patriarch Jiang Sui can clarify my doubts." Duan Muyi raised his head, and the moment he touched Jiang Sui's eyes, he became calm.

Jiang Su smiled and nodded, motioning for her to say.

Although Duanmuyi felt that his thoughts were against the sky, he still asked, "Are you the Great God Gengfu?"

The other party seemed to be silent for a long time, and it seemed that it was only a short moment.

Immediately, he smiled with a lonely expression: "Exactly."

After Jiang Xin recognized his identity, Duanmu Yi didn't know whether he was relieved or what, but he felt a little unexpected, but it seemed reasonable.

No wonder Di Kongxuan was poisoned with a strange poison back then, only Jiang Xin was able to save his life at the last moment, delaying time for him again and again when he was about to ascend to the final stage.

It's no wonder that Jiang Yi's space skills are so superb. Except for God Gengfu, she can't imagine anyone else's space skills that can reach this level.

No wonder even an ancient beast like Erhu was found by Jiang Yi and placed in the back mountain.

No wonder there are so many things. When he first experienced it, Duanmuguan was short-sighted and couldn't think of anything.At this time today, when everything is connected, it all makes sense.

"Then you come here like this, is Cangyang Continent okay?" Duanmu asked.

She remembered that Jiang Yi stayed in the Cangyang Continent and was in charge of the Jialan Clan because the Jialan Clan has been tasked with maintaining the stability of space for generations.

But now, Jiang Sui has left the Cangyang Continent, so...

Ying Lan smiled and said, "Of course there is no problem, someone else will take over."

"Who is it?" Duanmuyi couldn't help asking.

To be in charge of the stability of a space is by no means just a random person.

Ying Lan glanced at Hu Yuexi, and said: "You are also an old acquaintance, and now the head of the Duanmu family, Duanmu sinks the boat."

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment: "How could it be him?"

No wonder she was surprised, Duanmu Shenzhou's late stage cultivation was weaker than hers, and space magic is the most difficult kind of magic to master. She has only ascended for more than three years, and it is impossible for her to master it in these three years. Master the space technique, let alone maintain the stability of the space.

Ying Lan said: "Before leaving, the patriarch left a mark, which can keep the Cangyang Continent safe for ten years. During these ten years, Duanmu Shenzhou will continue to refine himself in the mountain and sea spiritual realm, with the cultivation rules left by the patriarch. He will succeed."

"Hmph." On the side, Hu Yuexi suddenly laughed lukewarmly.

Duanmuyi turned his head to look, but saw that she, who was always carefree, had a gloomy expression at the moment, and couldn't tell what the expression was, in short, it was capitalized unhappy.

When approaching the east coast of the Canghai Clan, the top ten monster commanders who came from the Monster Clan also arrived on the boat.

Among them was the Yonghe beast that Duanmuyi had encountered in the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm.

When Jiang Sui left Cangyang Continent, he stopped by Baicao Residence to bring it out.

Yonghe was a tall man who turned into a humanoid beast. When he saw Duanmuyi, he smiled honestly and obviously recognized her.

Duanmuyi didn't know what earth-shaking changes would happen to the situation in Xuanye Continent after she had been away for more than 20 days, so he hurriedly took Jiang Xin and others to the Baicao Clan.

When she approached the Baicao Clan, Duanmuyi subconsciously looked at Jiang Sui.

(End of this chapter)

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