Chapter 1974

"It must not be, right? You little guys are very cunning, did the others go to find Di Kongxuan and those two little babies?"

Duanmu's heart sank.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Taixuan said: "But don't worry, let them find it slowly."

He squatted down beside Duanmuyi, and at some point a small dagger appeared in his hand.

"I heard that you are pregnant with pure blood?"

Duanmuyi's pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately realized what he was going to do.

Bai Taixuan smiled happily: "Sure enough, it's raining umbrellas, hunger food, whatever you want, so it seems that my luck is pretty good."

Duanmuyi looked at his face, and a thought flashed in his mind.

When she had just ascended earlier, she heard that a scroll had been circulated in the Spirit Hall, saying that through the pure blood essence, the bones and spiritual consciousness of the superpowers could be fused together.

Now, although Bai Taixuan has no bones, he has condensed a body by relying on his fly whisk.

And now he just happens to have the spiritual consciousness in the Spirit Hall...

Bai Taixuan said: "It seems that you are also very smart, have you guessed it? Although I have a physical body, I suffer from being unable to create a new sea of ​​consciousness. Without the sea of ​​consciousness, these spiritual consciousnesses in the Spirit Hall are just foreign things after all. But you are different , With your blood essence, I can reshape the sea of ​​consciousness, enrich my body, and truly return to the world."

"You won't get what you want." Duanmu said coldly.

"Oh?" Bai Taixuan raised his hand with a smile, raised the knife and stabbed it in her chest, exactly an inch away from her heart.

Duanmuyi couldn't help but flinch from the severe pain, and suddenly his face turned pale.

And the Rejuvenation Technique immediately circulated automatically to repair her injury.

Bai Taixuan raised his hand and pulled out the dagger, his eyes were full of meaning: "Rejuvenation Technique... Tell me, when I hit the first knife, your Rejuvenation Technique will not be able to catch up with the speed of the wound?"

Duanmuyi panted slightly, watching helplessly as his dagger landed in the same position.

Painful to the extreme, but numb instead.

Duanmuyi even had time to think about how many hardships she had suffered because of the pure blood on her body.

At the eighth cut, the flow of rejuvenation really slowed down.

Every time the injury is in the same place, it is more difficult to repair.

Bai Taixuan stopped, and smiled lightly, like an evil ghost: "The people around are always thinking of asking for a drop or two of your blood, but it's useless if you ask me. I'm here today, and I will give you your whole heart Gouging it out and using it on myself, what do you think?"

Duanmuyi felt dizzy for a while, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's not that good, it's pretty bad."

Bai Taixuan laughed loudly, and was about to make a move, when suddenly a gust of wind came from behind his head, he turned around to block it, and was kicked several meters away before he could prepare himself.

Someone helped Duanmuyi up, and the dagger was pulled out from his chest.

A pill was stuffed into her mouth.

She opened her eyes and saw the worried expressions of Di Kongxuan and Yu Tingsong.

"Ah Xuan..." She breathed a sigh of relief, and said again, "Where's Zhao'er?"

"Here." Di Kongxuan helped her to stand up.

Duanmuyi saw the young girl standing behind him.

Dizhao was disheveled and his body was covered with scars. When he saw her, his eyes turned red, but he still held back and just stepped forward to hold Duanmuyi: "Mother..."

"Not cute at all."

(End of this chapter)

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