Chapter 1975

Duanmuyi rubbed his head, pushed him behind, glanced at Mo Lange who was standing a little further away, smiled slightly, and said softly, "Stay away, protect your girl."

Mo Lange was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his eyes turned red.

Di Zhao backed away silently, knowing that now was not the time for him to intervene, so he took Mo Lange's hand firmly and gently.

Not far away, Bai Taixuan had already stood up.

He glanced at them, and said with a sneer, "Very good, are they all ready?"

Duanmuyi remained silent.

Dikongxuan had already activated the Dijiang Jue, and his purple-gold spiritual power had turned into a close-fitting battle armor. Behind him, the Dijiang Totem was looking fiercely at the person opposite him, without any fear.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the two fought against each other.

Bai Taixuan's cultivation was far higher than Di Kongxuan's, but for some reason, Bai Taixuan felt faintly suppressed when facing Dijiang Totem.

The Longevity Fire was recalled by Bai Taixuan and used to deal with Di Kongxuan.

Their spiritual fires all dissipated when they left the Xuanye Valley formation, and now facing the eternal fire, Di Kongxuan has no strength to contend with.

But he was not alone. The Longevity Fire was recalled, and the pressure on Duanmuyi was much less. She immediately activated her soul power, and the Bodhi Totem reappeared.

A strong force of life spread and flowed into Di Kongxuan's body, like a tiger with wings added.

Yu Tingsong protected Di Zhao and Mo Lange and walked outside. He could protect himself, but he also knew that he could not intervene in the current battle situation.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred. The person who was fighting against Di Kongxuan suddenly turned around, showing a smirk, and raised his hand, urging the Longevity Fire to attack Yu Tingsong and the others.

"Zhaoer!" Duanmuyi didn't care about thinking, and immediately built a barrier with the Bodhi totem, protecting in front of the three of them.

But Bai Taixuan just made a false move, seeing her mind was on that side, his figure flickered, and then appeared behind her, raised his hand, and pressed it on her back.

"Your heart is mine." Bai Taixuan smiled darkly.

Di Kongxuan followed him closely, but he was a step too late.

Bai Taixuan's hand reached for her heart.

And the next moment, a figure in red appeared in his hands.

Duanmuyi had already retreated in front of Yutingsong and the others.

The red-clothed Yuantai opened his indifferent eyes, and his expression was neither sad nor happy, but the corners of his lips were hooked, revealing a strange and serious smile.

Bai Taixuan's heart tightened, and he flew back, and behind him, Di Kongxuan was already ready, and his purple-gold spiritual power turned into a huge palm, and slapped it.

The primordial fetus in red exploded on the spot, and the soul whirlwind that exploded crushed Bai Taixuan's spiritual consciousness hidden in the Spirit Hall.

Before the soul power of the Returning Ruins Realm, even Bai Taixuan's spiritual consciousness had to avoid its edge.

His spiritual consciousness was destroyed, Bai Taixuan was severely injured, and managed to avoid Di Kongxuan's palm, but he also appeared in a panic.

The entire Spirit Hall trembled from the explosion.

The huge movement attracted the puppets outside. Once surrounded, it was not easy to leave.

Duanmu Yi made a decisive decision and said, "Let's go!"

After Di Kongxuan was in charge, the five of them withdrew outward.

However, Duanmu Yi suddenly paused and was silent for a while: "No, Yue Rushuang is still inside."

Such a big movement, Yue Rushuang must be aware of it, but if they just leave, wait for Yue Rushuang to come out...

(End of this chapter)

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