Chapter 1976

What he had to face was the attack from Bai Taixuan and the puppets.

What will happen next can be imagined.

Di Kongxuan frowned slightly, and immediately said: "I'll go find him, you guys get out first."

"Let's go together!" Duanmuyi said immediately.

"I can protect myself. I am close to Yue Rushuang, so nothing will happen." Di Kongxuan squeezed her hand, "Be careful too."

Duanmuyi couldn't hesitate, so he could only follow Yutingsong and protect the two children to go outside.

After walking past the first floor, her gaze fell on the mural, and she froze for a moment.

In front of the mural, a candlestick stood there quietly.

"Piercing the long-lived candlestick into Bai Taixuan's heart will completely destroy him."

She turned her head and said, "You go first."

"Mother?" Di Zhao turned his head, but saw that Duan Muyi had already walked towards the mural, and raised his hand to pick up the candlestick on it.

Yu Tingsong held him back, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go."

Duanmuyi walked back again, went up to the third floor and found that Yue Rushuang had already gone downstairs, blocked by Bai Taixuan.

Fortunately, Di Kongxuan arrived in time, and the two of them won't lose out in dealing with Bai Taixuan.

Duanmuyi didn't rush forward. She stood at the stairs and blocked the puppets who had heard the wind. It is also the nemesis of puppets.

But, it's too much...

Duanmuyi frowned slightly as he watched the puppets pouring in continuously.


Some puppets have already crossed her defense line. Many of the puppets refined by Bai Taixuan are from the late stage of transformation, and some are from the early stage of Mahayana. Duanmu intends to deal with a large number of puppets. Very few strong people have more than enough heart but not enough strength.

Just as Duanmuyi was concentrating on dealing with the puppet, suddenly a gust of wind came from behind him.

And the three puppets in front of her disappeared in the blink of an eye, she looked back, Bai Taixuan had appeared behind her at some point, and those three puppets were standing in front of Di Kongxuan and Yue Rushuang.

"Go away!" Dikongxuan roared angrily, and the purple-gold spiritual power radiated brightly.

Bai Taixuan's hand has already reached towards Duanmuyi.

He is still determined to get her heart.

A sneer suddenly flashed across Duanmuyi's face, she didn't back down, instead she went forward, but turned a little to the side.

The cold palm pierced his chest, Bai Taixuan didn't seem to expect that she would not hide, and was stunned for a moment.

It was at this moment that a candlestick appeared in Duanmuyi's hand and stabbed towards his heart.

Bai Taixuan frantically dodged, but he dodged in the end. The candlestick stuck on his shoulder, and the hole immediately bled profusely.

He raised his head, clutching his wound, his face finally no longer relaxed.

"Who told you this?!" He gritted his teeth, "Is that old bastard from the Baicao clan back?!"

Duanmuyi didn't have the strength to reply, because the injury on his chest couldn't heal for a long time due to the exhaustion of his spiritual power.

There was cold sweat on her forehead, and she held the candlestick tightly in her hand.

Bai Taixuan laughed crazily: "Hahahaha! So what if he comes back! It's not that he didn't dare to come to see me! Let you come to die, then I will fulfill you!"

With his laughter, more puppets broke through Duanmuyi's defensive net, almost drowning Di Kongxuan and Yue Rushuang in the crowd.

Yue Rushuang's eyes turned red, and she said in a hoarse voice.

(End of this chapter)

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