Chapter 1979

"Lan Ge is a good girl, mother also likes her, you don't want to just watch her sleep all the time?"

Duanmuyi said everything he had to say, put the prescription on the bedside, and left the room.

The unfocused eyes of the boy beside the bed gradually focused on one place.

It was as if a faint light shone into the dark abyss.

He curled up his fingers, slowly moved over, and picked up the prescription.

It is clearly written above that the holy grade intermediate elixir has a [-]% success rate.

Moisture suddenly appeared in his dry eyes, and his vision was blurry, no matter how much he wiped it, he couldn't clean it.

Great, he thought, a way has been found.

The boy stood up while leaning on the side of the bed, leaned over and kissed the sleeping girl lightly on the lips.

"Lan Ge, I'm here to save you."


Outside the Herbal Medicine Store, Jiang Xin stood with his hands behind his back, watching the young man come out of it dejectedly, and smiled slightly.

"Didn't you find the medicine you wanted?"

Di Zhao looked up at him, then lowered his head and said, "It's only the third day, and the medicine storehouse is so big, I've only found half of it."

Jiang asked: "Isn't there a register of medicinal materials? Didn't you read it?"

"I read it, but I always think about it, what if there is something missing? What if the medicinal material I want is in the corner and not registered... I have to look for it myself before I can rest assured." Di Zhao said softly.

Jiang Yi stepped forward and rubbed his hair: "I found the other half of the medicine store for you, no."

Di Zhao looked up at him, and deep disappointment flashed across his eyes.

In that prescription, he found four medicinal materials for the elixir of nourishment in the medicine storehouse, and there were only two elixir plants missing.And he didn't find any of the medicinal materials on the Jiuye Pill.

In this case, how to refine medicine?

"Little guy, do you trust me?" Jiang asked.

Di Zhao nodded.

Jiang Yi gave him a map: "The places I circled above may have these medicinal herbs growing. However, it is not easy to find them, and it may take your time, energy, and even your life. Would you like to go?"

Di Zhao held the map as if he had obtained a treasure, and nodded hurriedly: "I am willing!"

As long as he could save her, even if it took his life, he would have nothing to say.

On the night Di Zhao decided to leave the Baicao Clan alone to find medicine, Di Kongxuan came back after a victorious battle.

Seeing Di Zhao's expression as before, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

But when he heard about his decision, Di Kongxuan had a headache again: "Now that the culprits outside have not been cleared up, and Di Tian has not caught it, it is too dangerous for you to go out rashly."

"Father, I can't wait any longer." Di Zhao said, "If it was mother who is lying there now, you would definitely leave without saying a word, right?"

"You bastard, can this be the same!" Dikongxuan was furious.

Di Zhao raised his head to look at him, and his eyes were filled with persistence: "What's the difference?"

Meeting his son's gaze, Di Kongxuan suddenly lost his temper.

That look, he understands too well, is crazy enough to be desperate.

At this moment, he found that his son's personality was exactly the same as his own, and he really didn't know whether to be happy or angry.

Duanmuyi came in with the food box, put it on the table, and called the father and son to eat.

"Let him go." Duanmu said, "If Lan Ge can wake up, everyone will be happy."

Hearing what she said, Di Kongxuan naturally had no objection, but he knew in his heart, could Mo Lange really wake up?I'm afraid there is very little hope.

(End of this chapter)

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